Chapter 2

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The group all awoke the next morning and headed off. Anytime someone would try to bring up the attack from lasts night, Childe would give them a death stare until they stopped talking about it.

"Why is Childe being so weird about what happened last night?" Aether whispered to Lumine.

"I don't know, I can't figure it out either. I would ask him but he just won't budge. It's really odd of him to be acting like this" Lumine whispered back, glancing over at Childe who was rubbing his hand where the person held the knife to last night.

"Okay what the fuck Childe" Kaeya said, stopping in his tracks. Everyone continued to stop and stare.

"Huh?" Childe said giving Kaeya a confused look.

"Don't 'huh' me, you've been acting like an ass all day. And you refuse to talk about last night, but we kinda need to. So either you tell us why you're acting like a little kid, or I will force it out of you" Kaeya replied. Childe stared momentarily before turning around and continuing to walk. Kaeya quickly ran up to Childe only to start tackling him to the ground.

"Cmon dude what the fuck!? Why are you being so weird?" Kaeya shouted while punching away at Childe.

"I'm acting weird? Says the one who keeps punching me!" Childe shouted back swinging at Kaeya. They continued to fight until they heard a low growl come from the building next to them. They both quickly rose to their feet, weapons now in hand.

Everyone else was soon to join them, all ready to fire. They were all silent, until the next thing they knew Childe was being tackled from behind by a zombie. Childe started to flail around and eventually shoved the zombie off of him and shooting it while the others shot the zombies that were now surrounding them.

"Shit shit shit! This all your fault Kaeya! If you hadn't been questioning me like a freaking detective we could've avoided this!" Childe shouted, shooting zombie down, having another arrow getting ready to fire again.

"Oh fuck you man! It's not my fault you've been acting so off lately!" Kaeya shouted.

"Both of you cut it out! We have bigger problems to deal with!" Diluc shouted over the two, attracting more zombies towards him.

Everyone kept on shooting zombies down left and right, but more and more appeared. Everybody thought they were gone for, until they heard more gunshots coming from behind the zombies. Soon enough, all the zombies were dead, and two people emerged from behind them.

"Who the hell are you?" Childe shouted at the two new people, adrenaline still rushing through him after fighting Kaeya and zombies.

"I'm Zhongli and this is Xiao, but from what i've heard you two already know each other" Zhongli said calmly.

"Wait I remember you! You're the guy who attacked Childe last night!" Venti said. Xiao nodded, then looked at Childe who was staring at the ground.

"Thank you for saving us" Lumine said smiling at Zhongli and Xiao.

"It was no problem. And Xiao here tells me that you guys are looking for a new base camp correct?" Lumine nodded, earning a small grin from Zhongli. "Lovely, then how about you come and join us. Our camp isn't too far fran here" Zhongli said pointing in the general direction behind him.

"That would be wonderful thank you!" Lumine said, smiling wide. They then continued to follow Zhongli and Xiao to their base camp.

As the group continued walking, Zhongli walked slower hoping to ask Childe about his fight with Xiao.

"You must be Childe I assume?" Zhongli said, now walking beside Childe.

"You can call me Tartaglia. Only people I trust call me Childe." Childe replied, not looking at Zhongli.

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