Chapter 66: Side Story III - Lin Yuetian's Ordinary Day

Depuis le début

Several pictures of the same man appeared in the camera.

"This is my dinner."


【A moment of silence】

"Just kidding, I've been practicing telling jokes recently." Lin Yuetian picked up the camera and pointed at his beautiful and gentle face with an almost abnormal magical charm, "These are the materials I'll use for work—okay I'm going out now."

The camera followed Lin Yuetian out of the house, and the city outside looked strange and colorful even in the daytime. Cities dominated by black are dotted with a lot of neon that can be called light pollution, almost turning the sky into a melting pot of color.

"My residence is very close to the company, so I usually walk to work." Lin Yuetian walked around an alley while walking, "This is a short road, I often walk."

There were a few thugs standing on the side of the road in the alley. Obviously, someone like Lin Yuetian, who looks as beautiful as a android star and is well-dressed, has attracted their attention. Several people gathered around.

"My world is really safe," Lin Yuetian continued, as if he didn't see any of them. "Usually the street gangsters that surround them are either for money or sex, or both."

"Who are you talking to on the horse?" said one of the gangsters.

"The bullet is more expensive than the gun itself. In order to save money, I generally don't use it." Lin Yuetian said, shaking his hand, letting the dagger slide into the palm of his hand, and shaking it at the gangsters: "Friends, Make way, okay?"

"A horse-riding, lunatic, talking to himself, and scaring people with a knife?" The gangster got angry, "Brothers! This lunatic looks beautiful, and you can even sell it for a fortune when you bring it to the Mechanical Sailor's House!"

The lens wobbled a bit, then fixed, and shot overhead. Probably Lin Yuetian just climbed up the wall on the side of the alley in two steps and put the camera on it. Subsequent pictures are relatively indescribable, and red is almost the only main color of the picture.

Soon, Lin Yuetian took off the camera, wiped the knife, and hid it back in his sleeve.

He glanced at the time, then said, "Okay, I'm going to go back to work."

After walking for about five minutes, Lin Yuetian came to a building.

"This is the company I work for. Of course, I usually don't work."

He took the elevator to the second basement floor. The underground area was surprisingly large. Lin Yuetian said hello to the lady at the front desk, walked inside, and stopped for a while when he passed the entrance to take pictures of the excellent staff rankings at the entrance. screen.

"My performance is very good." Lin Yuetian said, "I am the first. Before I joined the parent company, I had a record of zero complaints for ten consecutive quarters in my company."

He walked inside, clocked in to work, found a workstation and sat down, connecting the data cable in his hand to the two circular objects on the table.

"This is a data ball." Lin Yuetian said.

He closed his eyes and seemed to be accepting some information. Soon the data ball printed out a few sheets of paper. Lin Yuetian read it carefully, and then threw it into a shredder next to him to shred it.

"Now I'm going out to work." Lin Yuetian smiled at the camera, "I'm a little busy at work, I'll go out for lunch later. The theme restaurant outside the company is good, and I'll take pictures of their features for everyone. menu."

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