Chapter 3: Introductions

Start from the beginning

The man is tall, and is wearing a tight fitting black t-shirt and sweatpants. He has tattoos running up both of his arms and creeping up his neck. I gulp looking at his muscular build that I can see through the thin shirt.

"Sera." He mutters under his breath. "Don't go up there. Do you understand?" 

I nod my head shyly.

"I can't hear nods." He says, with a tone of superiority.

"S-sorry." I mumble. I don't like this man, he's scary.

"Elijah told me he couldn't find you." 

"I-I was just l-looking for the kitchen." I gulp, hoping he wouldn't punish me.

The man starts walking away, his retreating figure leaving me on high alert. 

"Well, are you coming?" He growls from the end of the hallway. 

Oh. I quickly pad over to him, my unicorn slippers echoing through the hallway as he leads me to the kitchen.


When I enter, my nostrils are instantly filled with a delicious aroma - food. I hadn't eaten in a long time, and it certainly wasn't like Trevor fed me very much. 

"Don't mind Ryker," Elijah says, noticing our entrance. Ryker gives a glare towards him in response, before disappearing into the house.

"Come, eat bambina," He says, placing a ginormous steaming bowl of pasta in front of me.

My mouth waters. 

"Our housekeeper Lorena made it earlier, especially for you."

I take the fork tentatively in my hand. Could I really eat, or was this just another one of the games Trevor liked to play with me? I gently take the fork, and stab it into the steaming plate, gingerly putting it in my mouth. My hand shakes. As I chew, I close my eyes, half expecting a fist to come flying towards my face. I receive nothing except for more of Elijah's words. 

"Usually we would like to have family dinners, but as this is our first night with you I felt it was best that you didn't feel overwhelmed by all of your brothers presence."

I want to tell Elijah how thankful I am for doing that, but I'm to busy savoring the pasta in my mouth. This was the best meal I've had since mom died. 

After a couple more bites, I feel way to full. I wasn't used to meals this large - scratch that, I wasn't used to meals at all. Usually I just ate Trevor's leftovers. The plate is not even half empty, but I don't think I can take another bite. I put my hands over my stomach in contempt, and give myself a small grin. That was delicious.

"Finished so soon?" Elijah says, peering up from his phone.

"Y-yup. Not a very big appetite." I say, hoping my excuse will pass.

Elijah gives me one last frown, and I shrink under his gaze. Sheepishly, I take the plate and walk it over to the sink. I hope he know's I enjoyed the meal, really, I did.


I'm just sitting in the kitchen playing games on my phone when another one of my brothers walks in. He's wearing a white wife beater and has a couple of tattoos gracing both of his arms. I gulp, noting his muscular build and height. He stands way over 6' ft, and from the look on his face, he is not happy.

"Why the fuck is she wearing my clothes." He says, sparing a quick glance in my direction before turning his attention towards Elijah. 

"Chill Caden, I thought they were Colton's."

"Well they're not. Take them off." He growls, pointing me a look.

Oh of course. I'll just take them off and stand in the kitchen naked . However, I manage to refrain myself from speaking these words due to his dark glare. He towers over me, and I'm seriously debating if I really should just take them off and strip right then and there. 

The air is tense and quiet when a voice cuts through. Another one of my brothers steps in, wearing what looks to be a basketball uniform. Colton, I'm guessing, as he looks exactly like Caden. They must be twins.

"Chill bro, I'll buy you new sweats." He says, pouring himself a glass of water.

I look over to him. He seems friendly enough, definitely not like Ryker or Caden.

"Hey little sis, I'm Colton." He says, ruffling my hair.

"S-Sera." I say, inwardly cringing at my stutter. Stupid anxiety.

He just smiles and goes back to his water. 

I don't want to be here right now. Not with all these big scary men, even though they're my brothers. 

"Well, I-I, I think I'm going to go to bed now." I say, already half way out of the kitchen.

"Alright hon," Elijah says. "Sorry you couldn't meet Vince today, he had a lot of work to get done."

That was fine by me. I had met enough brothers in one day to last me a lifetime.

"He does want to meet you tomorrow." He adds. I gulp at Elijah's words.  I know Vince is my eldest brother and guardian, and I wonder what he would think when he saw me. What if I wasn't pretty enough, what if he thought I was fat, what if he wanted t-

"Would you like me to tuck you in?" Elijah's words knock me out of my trance. Tuck me in? Mama used to do that to me before she passed. I shook my head no. I was never going to let a man alone with me in my bedroom, not after what Trevor has done to me.

"Alright then." He says, "Goodnight bambina."

"G'night." I mumble, already halfway up the stairs. Not a single other one of my brothers says goodnight to me, in fact, I don't even think they noticed I've left. The kitchen is filled with the same chattering from before.

I shut the door to my room, and sigh. Why couldn't life just be easy?

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