The Thornless Rose

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I don't own Kill La Kill except me and @DRWERID42 oc

We start our story in Honnō City a city built on an artificial island and divided into four levels that separate the poor from the rich. The status of wealth depends on the student's progress at school signified by the rank of their Goku Uniform. The higher the Star ranking, the more prestigious the standard of living, with No-Stars being relegated to the slums. The poorer districts are farther away from the academy and the richer ones are closer to it how does this happen well it starts at Honnōji Academy it's seemingly shared the same purpose and systems as a regular schools in Japan, but in actuality, it is built as the main testing ground of Life Fiber experiments (particularly Goku Uniform) commissioned by Ragyō Kiryūin herself, with Satsuki Kiryūin being charged to govern it along with the city.

 The poorer districts are farther away from the academy and the richer ones are closer to it how does this happen well it starts at Honnōji Academy it's seemingly shared the same purpose and systems as a regular schools in Japan, but in actuality,...

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Because of Satsuki's totalitarian rule over both the school and the city itself, living and studying at Honnōji Academy are best described as an exercise in survival at its extreme, with its students (particularly No-Star ones) finding themselves oppressed by iron-fist disciplinarians and abusive, if not outright excessively strict club presidents. Power struggle seemed to be a recurring occurrence as promotion rewards the students better, if not outright luxurious life standards and even control over the school. Those who disobeyed the rules would be severely punished, though the death sentence occurs once the offender genuinely poses a threat to the school's well-being such as the attempted theft of one of Goku's Uniforms. On this dark stormy night, we take our perspective over to a young teenage girl with brown eyes and brown hair that is styled in a bowl cut. She is often seen wearing the standard Honnōji Academy No-Star uniform; a white short-sleeve shirt with a blue neckerchief, a blue mini skirt, and a pair of white socks and light brown loafers.

 She is often seen wearing the standard Honnōji Academy No-Star uniform; a white short-sleeve shirt with a blue neckerchief, a blue mini skirt, and a pair of white socks and light brown loafers

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This is Mako Mankanshoku and she is returning home from detention because she fell asleep during class as she got off the trolley she starts making her way home.

Mako pov

Mako: Ah man I can't believe I got detention I didn't mean to fall asleep well at least I can get some of mom's cooking.

As I continued walking I heard a loud noise coming from the alley so I decided to investigate I saw a little boy digging through the trash.

As I continued walking I heard a loud noise coming from the alley so I decided to investigate I saw a little boy digging through the trash

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