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"How could you not tell me that you knew?!" I screamed in rage, pacing across the small dorm room with my hands clawing at my curls. My guilty looking roommate was sat on his bed with his equally guilty looking Omega sat on his lap.

"We're sorry, Harry." Rhys bit his lip, looking up at me with wide sincere eyes. I've practically been shouting out all my anger on them as soon as they got back into the dorm room. I barely even let Greyson finish his greeting to me before I went off at the both of them. "We were going to tell you, but..." He paused, lowering his voice while shrugging meekly, "We weren't sure how you would take it..."

"How does it look like I'm fucking taking it?!" I growled, noting the way Rhys winced back into his Alpha at my reaction. My eyes softened at that, seeing how upset and scared I was making him.

Before I could even open my mouth to apologize, Greyson cut in with a low snarl, "Hey, I understand that you are angry but I will not have you take it out on my Omega." He snapped, cradling Rhys' body closer to his bigger one while tucking the smaller wolfs head under his chin. Greyson was glaring at me, his eyes fired up.

"I know..." I mumbled, walking forward and crouching down so I was eye leveled with Rhys, "I'm sorry Rhys, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just a little frazzled about everything that's happened today. I mean, getting dragged into an alleyway with four huge Alphas sniffing you in places isn't exactly my cup of tea. And I guess when you told me that you already knew I was their kinda just set me off all over again." I stopped, taking one of his hands that was clutched onto Greyson's shirt in my own. "Forgive me?" I pleaded, widening my eyes in hope and desperation. I really didn't mean to take out all my stress and fury on him and Greyson, I was just so ticked off about the new shocking information.

Rhys smiled shyly, slowly peeling himself off of Greyson and throwing himself into my arms. His arms circled around my neck while I held him around his waist. We were almost lying completely on the floor of the dorm, but I used as much strength as I could to keep up in a sitting position.

"Of course I forgive you, H. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It's wasn't right of me to be keeping something this big from you after I promised that I wouldn't." He chuckled, pulling back so he was looking into my eyes.

"I forgive you too." I laughed, standing up from the floor and reaching a hand down to help him up as well. He took it, and I pulled him up standing while Greyson stood up as well, moving to his lover's side and circling an arm around his waist.

"I'm sorry too, H. I told Rhys that he shouldn't tell you because I didn't think you would take it well. I thought I scared you on that first day when I was telling you about everything the Tops have done. After that, I wasn't too sure how you would react when I found out that you really are their mate." He shrugged, sending me a small apologetic smile as he spoke.

I sighed, moving past him and taking a seat on the far end of his bed. I pushed myself until I was leaning back against the wall his bed was pressed to. "I forgive you." I muttered, clasping my hands together as the two of them sat back down on the bed in front of me. "How did you find out I was their mate anyway?" I asked after a moment of silence, looking up from my hands to hear their answers.

"Um, I found out at the café...when I saw Niall and Louis looking at you like they could just devour you." Rhys chuckled, scratching the back of his neck while I blushed fifty shades of red. "And I told Greyson when we were walking out of my dorm building that day." He continued, motioning to the Alpha who was sitting beside him.

"Yeah, and I-uh-observed for myself when I saw them charging at you to the elevator this morning." He laughed awkwardly, making me flush even more as I recalled the moment that took place not too long ago. "I realized that they actually were your mates, so that's why I didn't take my sweater back and just let you wear it the whole day..."

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