•Chapter 5: Sea of clouds•

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!¡Disclaimer!¡ I don't know shit about this domain, never been there, never seen it, never explored it so this is mostly going to be my imagination doing the work, so it won't be accurate to the real thing 🧍‍♀️it won't really seem like a domain ig I kind of based it on those adepti and the domain of that God in that quest where it involved the Traveller meeting shenhe,art is not mine as always, I used an app called starryai and wrote the prompt sea of clouds and this was the result and for Traveller's POV Traveller is obviously not gonna talk much just like in canon during "quests" and it's mostly going to be thinking and maybe I might use a lot of 3rd person POV.!¡

Third Person POV

Kazuha and heimao later went back to liyue and they were roaming liyue until they happened to meet the traveller,paimon and a person that heimao didn't know.(I'm gonna let you guess hehe)

Heimao's POV

Me and kazuha after we had left inazuma decided to roam around liyue for me to get a bit...familiar with the place and we had unfortunately came across the traveller and...paimon, hmf paimon was rather..the talkative person, the traveller I..suppose do not necessarily dislike nor like either and there was also someone else...he had red hair tied into a ponytail and I..suppose he did look a bit like kazuha. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Paimon asked with that annoying voice of hers.(lmao the wanderer definitely doesn't like paimon) "Me and heimao were just roaming around until we bumped into you guys" kazuha answered softly."heimao? Last time I checked his name was wanderer" paimon asked. "He said I could call him whatever I  wanted so I call him heimao" kazuha answered calmly."Hmf, what are YOU doing here,traveller and..emergency food" I said with a smirk. I said it purposely just to upset her a little bit.(I'm trying to still keep him in character here and I think he would tease paimon about this, lol poor paimon) "hey! How many times do I have to say it? Paimon is NOT emergency Food!" Paimon cried.(not literally though)

Kazuha's POV

"Hm? What are you doing here heizou? Shouldn't you be in Inazuma?" I asked the detective. "Ah! Zuha, so glad to meet you again! I was to check the quality of a package, however the person that was to deliver it said he got attacked by hilichurls and he ran away leaving the package, after he came back he said that the package was missing, as I have to check the package, I decided to investigate, the traveller said that they'd help" heizou explained. "Ah I see, well mind if we join? We have nothing better to do after all, right heimao?" I said looking at heimao's direction. "I'll tag along, after all emergency food might get eaten by the hilichurls~" heimao teased paimon. "You! Ugh! Paimon's giving wanderer an ugly nickname!" Paimon said. "Relax, I was only joking" heimao replied.(yk while doing his animation thingy where he does
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol) "Alright anyways, we were heading towards...Guyun Stone Forest" heizou said.

Third person POV

They started heading towards, guyun Stine forest and once they reached, they all went to investigate the place and they found a domain and decided to explore it.

Once they went inside the domain, it was filled with a lot of clouds and everything just seemed to be clouds. They couldn't see much but before they knew it some hilichurls and slimes were attacking them. After the enemies were cleared, they found a mechanism that cleared the clouds. They went on exploring following the abyss mage's magic and cleared enemies. As they had finally reached the floor, where they came face to face with an abyss mage and they easily crushed and tortured the abyss mage who had taken the package. Though heizou would not say what the package was and why it was so important and powerful.

Traveller's POV

We had finished helping heizou,went out of the domain and went to meet up. "Well, I must thank  you all for helping me investigate and I shall be saying my Farewell, I will be heading back to inazuma to report that I have found the package" heizou said waving goodbye. "Me and heimao shall be leaving too, until we meet again, Traveller" kazuha said before him and heimao went. "Well that was exhausting, come on lets go eat some food!" Paimon said.

Third person POV

With that they all went there separate ways, with the thought of their adventure in their minds.

Help. This seems like a shit post, I planned this out carefully  but it backfired on me I didn't know what else to write and I hate this chapter so much 😭 I mostly ended up writing 3rd person POV and this chapter just sucks but idk what else to wrote coz I planned this and if I restart now I'll have to plan it all over again. Sorry for posting late, I didn't have data and sorry for this shitty chapter, I'll try to make the next one better I promise 😭 anyways thanks for reading my shitty story<33 like I appreciate the support<3 yall are the best xoxo

Word count: 907

Lots of love,


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