•Chapter 4: checking herbs and in respect of Tomo•

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Third person POV

Awoken and ready for the day, kazuha and heimao were heading towards bubu pharmacy as kazuha had to deliver some herbs to ningguang. Once they had reached kazuha was asking for baizhu and were informed that he would be here soon.

Heimao's POV

We were waiting patiently for someone named baizhu and suddenly some guy with long green hair and with a white snake came. "Ah, kazuha what brings you here?" the guy who must be baizhu said. "Baizhu, I was informed by lady ningguang that, I was to check the  herbs, and check whether they were to be delivered soon?" Kazuha asked. So I was correct this guy was baizhu but I wonder why lady ningguang needed herbs. "Ah, of course, worry not kazuha, the herbs shall be ready soon" baizhu said calmly. "Oh and not to be  nosy, however I have noticed that qiqi is not here at bubu pharmacy, why is that so?" Kazuha asked. Qiqi, now who the hell was that? "Ah, worry not it does not bother me, qiqi has been borrowed by lady ningguang" baizhu stated. "Ah I see well, Farewell baizhu I'll be going by now" kazuha said softly. Kazuha, how does he do that? Will I one day be able to communicate with people like he does?

Kazuha's POV

I think I'll visit..tomo's grave...and..bring a flower with me. "Heimao, I...am going to visit a friend of mine's grave...if you want you can tag along" I told heimao. "Why not? I'll help you find the flowers" heimao said, almost as if reading his mind. " I think I'll bring some glaze lilies,QingXin and Cecilia, Tomo always liked those" I said. "We can get glaze lily easily and QingXin I think I know some places where there are but how will we get Cecelia? It is found in mondstadt last time I checked" heimao asked. "Worry not,I have plenty of those the last time I visited mondstadt, just help me find the rest" I replied.

Third person POV

Kazuha and heimao went searching for the 2 desired flowers and headed to inazuma, they had reached tomo's grave and kazuha was saying some blessings and left some flowers.

Kazuha's POV

"Sorry about your friend" heimao apologized. "No need, you did nothing after all, he died..unfortunately however his death wasn't your fault" I said. How could he think it was his fault? He wasn't even involved during his death. "He...died challenging the raiden shogun and his death was honorable but..unfortunate however I have sort of recovered from his death" I said. His death...still haunts me till this day, and it's hard to say I have let him go, but I've...got heimao now..so with him...can his death really be bad?

Third person POV

Kazuha was leaning on tomo's grave and heimao was right next to him. Their hands were lightly brushing on the others hands. For the moment, there was silence but not the uncomfortable or the awkward one it was comforting. Both were suffering but in the comfort and presence of eachother, the world simply faded and though no words were exchanged, they both knew that the other would be there for them and everything was going to be alright.

Hihi guys! Hope you liked the chapter and how the story is going so far! Hope I'm not going to fast, right now both the wanderer and kazuha are getting used to the presence of eachother before developing a stronger relationship with one another. I think that it's pretty important to not only acknowledge eachother's presence but also get used to it before becoming lovers. The art is obviously not mine and Credits to the rightful owners! If I made any grammer/spelling mistakes pls feel free to tell me! Love you<33

"I don't care, how long it takes, as long as I'm with you, I got a smile on my face"

Word count:670

Lots of Love,

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