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"Are they doing it again?" Whined Analie to the extremely confused wizard beside her

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"Are they doing it again?" Whined Analie to the extremely confused wizard beside her. Hermione and Ron had been wrangling about their pets the whole time. She was seriously considering ejecting both of the little animals. 

'That is not a bad idea. At least they wont have anything to fight over for a while' She pondered.

"Welp I got to go. It was nice meeting you uhhh mister. Sorry I don't quite remember your name. It was something about a citric food wasn't it? I gotta say whatever your name is quit nicely matches your moods. Oh sorry is that rude to say? I di-" Analie ramble on to the stranger but was cut off by her own excited squeal. "HARRY"

She ran to the boy but not without stopping halfway to shout, "Bye bye mister. I hope your wife likes the gift" to the perplexed man bidding him goodbye. 

"Harry I missed you" She said crashing into the boy's already open arms.

"I missed you to gigglebug" Harry replied playfully causing her to burst out into giggles at the nickname.

"Good to see you dear" Molly Weasley said to the scarred boy as she rushed to him.

Smiling at their interaction, Analie stumbled away allowing them to converse and joined her sister instead falling into easy conversation inspite her mind being elsewhere. She couldn't believe she was finally going to Hogwarts. She was so extremely excited even though her parents fussed over her constantly, distraught that their youngest was off to Hogwarts too. She couldn't blame them albeit with the mass murderer on loose and all.

After the most amazing vacation in Egypt with all her family, stepping into that red train would make this the best year ever. And it did. The feeling of utter desolation of hugging her teary eyed parents goodbye  quickly washed away as she stepped into the Hogwarts train hand in hand with her sister.

Her sister helped her get situated in a empty compartment following the Weasley custom of helping the next in line Weasley on their first Hogwarts train ride and went off to find her friends. 

The little girl payed it no mind as she immediately squished her face to the window waving her parents goodbye until they were out of sight. Few minutes later a lanky boy with messy black  curls knocked at her compartment door asking if he could join her. Receiving a kind smile and nod he let himself in immediately giving his introduction.

"I'm Kairo lee" He said taking a seat across her.

"Analie Weasley. It's nice to meet you"

"You as well"

Soon enough a sarcastic blonde girl Layla along with her cousin Doris entered their compartment invested in a heated argument followed by a pesky goggled boy Levi.

The five immediately became good friends talking as if they've known each other for years. (That's the best thing about childhood though isn't it? )The constant laughter from their compartments forced a smile onto the passerbys particularly the group of 7th years who decided to take a little peak. The sight inside was truly peculiar. 

Analie could be spotted sitting on Layla's leg preventing the red faced furious girl to lunge on Doris who's hobby seemed to be annoying his cousin. Levi could be sighted laughing loudly to the side as Kairo tried to stop the smile threatening to take over his face.

"What's the matter?" Layla questioned as the train halt to a stop. 

"Have we arrived already?" Kairo pondered out loud confused. 

Levi opened the compartment door deciding to check if everything's alright but instead was thrown back into the seats as the train rocked violently.

"What's happening" Doris whispered frightened as everything liquid started to freeze just as all the happiness in the air seemed to do too.

The group of kids flinched in unison and huddled together as their compartment door was thrown open. "Ana" Fred called out worriedly as he and his twin entered the compartment with their friends.

"Freddie" Analie sighed out in relief rushing into his arms. The boy immediately picked up his little sister and held her close with quite ease due to her abnormally short height.

The two older girls, Angelina and Katie, immediately crouched down and hugged the other kids while George and lee tried to make them laugh successfully keeping them distracted from the dark sky outside filled with black ghost like creature that appeared to be lurking the hallways too.

After what seemed like a eternity, the sky brightened and the train set off once again. Everyone tried to ignore what had happened and chattered on as before though now the bliss they seemed to share had disappeared. Everything went back to normal though none of the junior students on the train were ever left alone by their elders the remaining journey. Not that they complained. 

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