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2 weeks have passed since you came to earth and tried to catch the Peridot but you failed and were poofed back into your Gem, and for 2 weeks you have been in there, all while Steven and the rest of the gems were keeping an eye on you waiting for you to morph back your body.

As Steven put your gem in a basket with a blanket inside it and a sun lamp to glow on you thinking warming you up will help.soeed thing's up.

Amethyst: Ugh, seriously how long does it take for this dude to come out, even pearl wasn't this long.

Pearl: Amethyst you have to be Patient, some gems take longer for them to come out. ( She then looks at your gem ) For him though, he likes to take his time.

Steven: so pearl?...what happened that day when you saw him

Pearl: ( a little confused about the question he just asked her ) what uhh....what do you mean Steven?

Steven: well when he came here and you saw him you looked like you saw a Ghost. So what's up with that?

Pearl: ...oh well see Steven, I do sort of know who he was, there are many, many Gem Knights back on homeworld, but the thing is this one is a special one, you see....he's more powerful then the rest and is considered the top ranking Gem knight of Homeworld, ( she looks away and a bit of a sad voice )....and well....I did know him once, back when.....when he was a royal guard for pink Diamond, when I served her.

Garnet:...that's a story for another time, Steven are you sure you want to try and redeem this one, keep in mind he isn't like Peridot, speaking of which ( looks at the bathroom door where she has been hiding ever since you came here )  Peridot, you dint need to hide, will keep you safe of he attacks again.

Peridot: ( shout through the door ) no way I'm not taking any chance, you guys just nearly managed to beat him, not that I'm saying your weak or anything but it was shear luck you made it.

Peridot: I hate to admit it be she is right, we should be very careful when he wakes up.

Steven: the way ( he takes the mask you were wearing ) why didn't his mask poof with him.

Garnet: it's possible that it is like Peridot limb enhancers. Not truly part of him.

Soon they noticed a small blinking light and they all looked over and they saw your Gem the started to glow and it levitates ,

They all take a step back and the gems take a Battel stance ready for a fight, accept for Steven.

As your Gem Glows brighter and brighter until finally your body had returned, but then you fell down on your hands and knees, breathing hard and feeling a bit il.

Your arm's and legs feel like jelly, your stomach feels like knots and your head feels like you have an axe in it.

You Groaned and you felt your face, you then realised that your mask was gone, as you covered the half side of your Face that has the massive black scar and you crawled back.

You then looked over and saw the gems and that small human boy.

You: YOU....Where am I, and where is my mask?

Steven:'s right here, but listen n I was hoping to talk to you about something.

You: I have nothing to say to you Rose Quartz, Now give me my mask now.

Steven: ( stern look ) have to hear what I have to say, il give you the mask back if you agree to listen to me.

You: you think you can order me Quartz, do you know who I am? I am the most high ranking Gem Knight of Homeworld, I'm almost as powerful as the diamonds, what makes you think I shall take orders from you?

GEM KNIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now