Waking up dead

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I woke up in the morning to the sound of the bus driving past my house. I yelled "crap, I am so royally screwed". My mom would kill me if i showed up to school late for the sixth time this month. I started pulling on a pair of jeans before i was out of bed. I rushed dow stairs to the door, grabbed my bag and raced after the bus. In my haste to get out the door, i forgot to put my socks on. Running down the street i felt a weird feeling coming from my jeans, but paid it no mind. 15 minutes later, I showed up to school 10 minutes late. I was so dead.
I walked into class just as my teacher, Mr. Richards, handed out a pop quiz, no wonder people call
him Mr. Dick. He looked up as I entered "Ah, well look who it is, the little brat." Considering the fact that I was a head taller, and a heck of a lot skinnier, I paid him no mind and sat on my seat. Or, at least I tried to, some jerk yanked the chair out from underneath me. I fell and smacked into the floor hard. The whole classroom erupted into laughter.

My face burned as I got up off the floor and took my seat. The teacher sat at the front of the class with a grin on his face. He said "Now that Mr. Titus is seated, lets start our class." I blocked him out as he droned on and drew in my notebook. The bell sounded and I jumped out of my seat and ran rushed out the door. The rest of the day was a blur. 

 Class after boring class I listen to teachers that are basically babysitters for our parents. The only class that I enjoyed was Science. The science teacher, Mr. Rendon had a way of keeping the class alive. He loved his job, even though he had to deal with the other teachers. A class with Mr. Rendon was never boring. He was a tall, lanky man in his 40's that had slight gray areas through his black hair. Another reason why I enjoyed his class was because he had known my father before he died in a explosion at the nuclear plant a couple of miles from my house.   Mr. Rendon wasn't like the others, all sympathetic, he just carried on in life just like I did. We finished class just as the bell to be dismissed rang, signaling that we could leave. I walked out and just as I made it to the door a voice called out "Ky, Hey Ky, wait up." I stopped, I knew that voice. "Hey Atalanta." She ran up to me and gave me a big hug. She looked up into my eyes smiled. "Were you gonna leave without saying goodbye?' she asked. I shrugged . If I was to describe Atalanta in one word, it would be beautiful. She had long red hair that was so soft you just wanted to run your hands through it, amazing emerald green eyes and a curvy body. She was also dating the captian of the football team, Andon. We siad her goodbyes and she invited me to her boyfriends party tonight. Just as I was about to accept, Andon walked up and sarcastically  said " Hey, well look who it is, Hey Kyrian, how are you?, I dont think you will be able to come to the party because Rendon put us together for a project and I want it done tonight. But I can't help because I have to throw a party, you think you could finish it...Please?" With that she steered Lana out of the school and to his car.

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