Chapter One

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Riley's POV:
It's been a month since school has started. Its been a month since I was last actually enjoying myself. Ever since I my dad became the head football coach here at Blue Mountain High it has been like hell for me.
I have tons of guys fanning over me; which is most girls dreams but not mine. I now have most of the girls kissing up to me just so they can be close to my brother (who is the star quarterback here). When before I was just the girl who got straight A's and hung out with my friends and was considered the popular nerd.
Today is the day for cheerleading tryouts and of course as the coach's daughter I'm expected to show as much team spirit as possible. I used to been to this kind of stuff; cheer, dance, prom court, parties. Ever since the car accident I haven't really been in the mood. But to make my father happy I decided I'll try out again, but instead of doing horrible so I won't make it by best friend Mandi is head cheerleader so she said no matter what she's putting me on the squad. I can't wait.
As soon as I got to school I head straight to my locker but as usual Mandi finds me and drags me away.
"Where have you been?" She asks immediately.
"I just got here."
"Well we need to talk about him."
"Who is him." I then realize she's nodding her head toward my brother James. "What about him?"
"Is it true that he can't play football this season?" As soon as she said that I was shocked on how she knew about that.
"How do you know-" she interrupts me.
"So it is true." she yells loud enough where everyone turns and looks. I quickly drag her to the restroom.
"Who told you?" I ask.
She gave me a sincere smile. "Well when your dad started holding tryouts for a new quarterback people started to talk."
"Who got h-"
"Can you focus please." she yells.
"I am but I jus-"
"What happened to him?"
"Who?" I questioned just to make her mad.
"Oh he got hurt." I lied with a sweet smile in my face.
"Well how did he get hurt?"
"Umm...he was running and fell." I can't stand this luring to her but it's for mine, James, and her good.
" I know your lying, but since you never lie to me I know it's something you don't want to talk about so I'll let it pass... For now." she then walks out and I can finally breathe.

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