Chapter 3

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Cassidy's POV

I went back to my room and wrote Tatumn on the 'To' line, and left the 'Love' line blank. I dropped it off outside of her hotel room, then went back to mine to take a nap. 

I woke up at 11 am, being shook by Mallory. 

"Get up loser. We're going shopping." She said. 

"Don't think Mean Girls quotes will get by me." I yawned. 

"Just come on. We're going." 

"Who's this 'we?'" 

"Cari, Emily, Addie, Tierna, Jenna, and I. And can't forget you!" 

"But I'm not really friends with any of them except you, Cari and Emily." I complained. 

"Well time to make more! Get up!" 

She grabbed my arm and yanked me out of my bed, and thankfully I landed on two feet. 

"Don't you have something better to do than to torture a rookie?" 

"Put on a shirt." She threw something at me, and I sighed. 

"This isn't mine."

"Well find something that is!" 

I stretched, and before I could walk over to my half of the dresser, I was hit in the face with something else. 

"Again, Swanson, this isn't mine." I threw it back at her. "This is Cari's. It literally smells like her, not me." 

I grabbed a crop top from my bag and put it on. Then I brushed out my long, dirty blonde hair, then grabbed my phone and wallet and followed her out the door. 


We went to a huge mall that had, like, a million stores, and then I had to get ready to go out with the rookies at 6:00, so I was back at the hotel by 4:00. 

As I was curling my hair, there was a knock at my door. 

"I'm coming!" I put down the curler and ran to the door, seeing Tatumn standing there. 

"Hey Cass!" 

"Hey Tate. What's up?" 

"Nothing. Just wanted to know your plan for tonight." 

"I'm heading out with the rookies. We're going to grab some dinner then I think we're gonna get ice cream and then hang out." 

"That sounds fun!" 

"Exclusive club. Rookies only." I joked. 

"That's alright." She smiled. "I was just gonna see if you wanted to go out with me tonight, but how about tomorrow?" 

"Sounds great." 

"We can figure out what to do tomorrow I guess. You have a full night." 

"Yes I do." 

Then there was another knock at the door, and because I had the curling iron in my hair, Tatumn offered to get it. 

"Who are you?" She asked as I put it down. 

Then I heard the door close. 

"Who was it, Tater Tot?" I asked as I opened the door again. "JACOB?" 

"Surprise! Happy valentines day!" 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I'm here to surprise you, of course." 

"Well obviously. And mission successful." 

"Is this 'Tater Tot' your friend Tatumn you always talk about?" He asked. 

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