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Walking to my mother's hut my heart picked up beating much faster than it was supposed to be, not only because of Neteyam, but because I was scared to ask my mother for advice scared she find out about Neteyam and I and not approve..

I took a deep breath as I approached the medical hut, it was current empty with no needing help.


She looked up responding with a hum.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something.. I seek your advice"

She looked to you kneeled down on to her knees she reached her hand telling you sit.

I obeyed mother and sat before her. She tilted her to the side and reached her hand caressing my cheek.

"What troubles you daughter?"

I sighed and looked down as I fiddled with my hands nervously..

"I seek guidance mother.. there's someone I hold very dear to my heart... and I had this dream.. and this dream it was strange mother.. and now my feelings for him-"

Ronal interrupted you, her curiosity peaked.

"This person is a boy daughter?"

Uh-oh.. that may have slipped out by accident.. I could no longer deny it..

I sighed as I nodded my head.. assuming she'd tell me I had no time for boys and silly things like this..

"And who is this boy daughter?"

I couldn't tell her it was the eldest son of Toruk Makto.. I could not.. there was no way she'd approve of this.. she knew nothing of my time with Neteyam.

"Is this boy, Neteyam Sully?"

Fuck.. how did she know? I quickly looked to her, stuck unable of what to say..

"I-.. mother I-"

She stopped her daughter and saved the embarrassment of her eldest daughter.

"You underestimate me daughter, you think I do not know my know children? I know Tsireya has been seeing the wild child of Toruk Makto as much as you have been seeing his eldest.."

My eyes widened.. I genuinely did not know what to say..

"I'm aware your brother does not want you to be with this boy, but sweetheart you must understand, he is a boy himself and he is the oldest with two younger sisters.. he is trying to protect you both, do not hold that against him dear. I'm sure he will come around eventually."

I nodded my head, when it was said like that I guess I truly could not hold again my brother, his heart was always in the right yet he went about them wrong..

"As for this boy, if you are certain or your feelings daughter.. then why not follow your heart?"

I stood up and hugged my mother as I smiled she always knew what to say..

"Thank you mother I will think about what you've said."

She smiled as she waved her daughter off.  She smiled to herself and shook her head at her children..

"I am Tsahík, they think I do not know."

She giggled..

As I walked on the bridge I thought about what mother said and she was right..

"Everyone they're here!!!"

I looked out to the ocean to see my sister waving as she rode her Ilu.

"Our brothers and sister have returned!!!"

I gasped excitedly I seen the Sully family standing in front of their pods, Tsireya had Lo'ak hop on to her Ilu, I assumed she is allowing him to meet her spirit sister.

Neteyam stood on the shore I ran over to him and grabbed his hand excitedly.

"Come Neteyam, come with me!!"

He smiled at your excitement he ran into the water with you.

I called my Ilu and we bother gliding across the water when I found her, my spirit sister..

"Hello sister, how I've missed you."
I signed to her

"Hello sister, my heart has longed to see you again, who is this boy."

"This Neteyam, we have grown closely since he has come here. He means the world to me."

Neteyam smiled he understood some of the sign language I  was saying no able to fully understood. I felt his hand touch my thigh, of course we both always enjoyed the simple intimacy between a simple touch.

"I have no seen you this happy in a while sister, this boy has had wonderful effect on you, his positivity beams brightly, he has a good spirit and the heart of a warrior.. you sister are a lucky one.."

I teared up at the words of my spirit sister I couldn't help but lean in and place my hand on to her head.

"She speaks very highly of you Neteyam. She says you have a good spirit and the heart of a warrior."

He smiled at praise he received.

"Thank you, your sister means so much more to me than I could ever express"

He signed to the Tulkun, smiling like the love sick puppy I was, something I caught myself doing a lot more of since Neteyam had walked into my life..

Time had passed and the Tulkun had retreated back into the wonders of the ocean seeing ky spirit sister leave would always bring tears to my eyes.

As they left Neteyam pulled me aside.

"Come to the celebration with us tonight Neteyam, bring your family!"


He questioned.

"Yes ever year we celebrate the yearly visit of our spirit brothers and sister "

"I would love to, as long as I get the first dance with you."

He smirked, I blushed and pushed his chest playfully.

"Of course. I wouldn't rather have it any other way."


Author's Note:
I got another cute scene coming up next chapter.. but then I got something special planned for you guys :)

Remember to vote, comment, and follow love you guys!! <33

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