"that guy's ancient. there's no way he should be at any function before someone as young as me."

"ferran, he's only thirty two.." i trail off.

"exactly, ancient."

when we got there, the music instantly filled my ears and i couldn't help my amusement hearing shakira's new song and everyone singing along, myself included, actually.

it took long enough for people to find out that pique isn't all that.

during his goodbye speech, both teams were called out into the field and there were pictures taken of me literally yawning. what people didn't know is that it was on purpose.

a lot of people came to my defense, lots didn't and asked what we were even doing out there in the first place but i moved on with life. really well too now that he wouldn't be with barça.

point is, no man should cry more over his club than his kids.

it was so hard to watch.

sira and i were hand in hand and going down the stairs when we were designated to the private room they had booked last minute.

we said hi to many other girlfriends and wives, like natalia, mikky, and coral.

i know mikky and coral were closer because of their outings with sergio and frenkie, even lewandowski who showed up alone but we made our way to natalia who had drinks ready to hand us. "woah, we just walked in!" she shrugged and we all laughed, "better now than later."

that really just depends on how well the night goes.

i move aside to greet the other members until ansu scares the hell out of me. "i thought i told you to stop doing that!"

"and i said i wouldn't so that's on you."

we immediately go into conversation as if we don't talk to each other every other night whether it's on call or text which it usually ends up being text so xavi doesn't overhear the fact that i'm keeping up one of his players especially on nights before early morning practices.

"why are you making it sound like you wanted joão all up on you? he was anywhere but!"

"i swear, y/n. you weren't there to see it like i was."

i think i was though. front row, even. "whatever. how are you feeling about la super copa?" i'm so ready to watch honestly. "i'm.. i could be better which is why i'm gonna drink up tonight because if xavi finds out i did the week of, i'm dead."

he's definitely right about that.

we kept talking about our usual stupid stuff, really anything that came to mind until the last person i expected to come up to us did. "hi, y/n."

it was pedri and i feel as though i'm seeing a ghost after how long we haven't spoken, let alone make eye contact without flinching. "pedri, hey." ansu doesn't know about what happened, so i'm making it seem as though nothing did, and we've been close like always.

i wish it has stayed like that until that day. "wanna get another drink with me?"

his voice is sincere, but it was like that last time and then everything blew up in my face so i don't really know how to go about this.

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