"I don't want to sit down." He said, trying to get up. 

"Yes you do." I replied, pushing him back down. Even though he was older, my brother was three inches shorter than my 6'3 and was not nearly as strong so he did not complain when I forcefully shoved him back down. 

"When do you not tell me what to do?" Henry mumbled.

"When you aren't shitfaced." I replied, coolly. Which wasn't very often. My brother got drunk a lot but usually he composed himself before these dinners. I didn't even think our mom and step-dad knew. I liked it that way. I know he shouldn't, but Henry disgusted me. 

"I'm tipsy, not shitfaced." He defended, staring off into space.

"Sure." I said flatly. 

My brother moved to hug my legs but I quickly moved out of the way.

"Oh yeah. Forgot. Mr 'I don't like physical contact'." This was true. "Is there anything you do like?"

I like glossy brown hair and deep brown eyes. Jesus, where did that come from?

I made no answer.

"I know your secret." Henry whispered. 

I raised an eyebrow. "And what's that?" I asked, coolly.

"You like reading." He laughed like it was some big joke. It was true. I liked reading thrillers and murder mysteries. Hated romance novels with a passion. Most people get extremely shocked when they find out my major is English Literature. I can't explain it. It's just one of the few things that makes me happy. Escapism or some bullshit like that. 

It doesn't stop Marcus from relentlessly making fun of me though. Pain in my ass. 

I decided to ignore my brother and instead of sitting in the chair next to him, I stood up, knowing all too well that my brother was prone to running away in these situations. I was on high-alert. To be honest, that seemed to be my default these days and it was exhausting. 


Half an hour later, we were walking out of the bathroom, my brother somewhat composed.

"Thanks for that, Tommy, it won't happen again." Yes it would, and he knew it. He ruffled my hair, despite me being taller. My brother was the only one that called me Tommy and it was among the many things I hated. He knew this too but continued anyway. 

We got into the elevator and I clicked the button for the top floor. "We're late now." I pointed out. 

"Fashionably late, Tommy." My brother replied, looking at himself in the reflection of the metal walls in the elevator. He adjusted his hair slightly and checked for food in his teeth. 

"You might want to check the smell of your breath." I muttered. He just smiled at his reflection and smacked me on the back. 

A small ding sounded in the elevator, signalling that we had arrived at the Penthouse. I strode out first and was greeted with, "You're late." My Step-father, John Pierce. 

I said nothing, I just walked over to the made table and sat down. My mother was already sitting there, smiling at her two children.

"Hello boys." She smiled, warmly. 

"Hello Julie." I replied. Her smile faltered but she said nothing. As to be expected. My whole family seemed to hate confrontation and acknowledging unpleasant truths. It frustrated me endlessly. I couldn't help thinking about Valerie and what she had said. I'm not afraid of confrontation. I liked that. 

"Hi Mom." My mother's favourite, Henry said. She beamed at him. No surprises there. Even John smiled at him, both of them adoring him. I couldn't summon the feeling of giving a fuck. I turned up to these weekly family meals, then tried to put my family out of my mind for as long as I could. It was a struggle but I made do, distracting myself with hockey, school and reading. 

ValerieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin