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"Here you go Aggie." Alexis says as she hands Aggie a box.

"Thank you dear. This should do it. There. Hubble bubble, toil and trouble. Somebody's coming," Aggie says as she puts a cauldron into a device before she and Alexis open the door as kids come inside.

"There she is! Hi Grandma!" A little girl says happily.

"Oh my stars! How did you get here?" Aggie asks happily.

"On the bus. I came to start my training Grandma." A girl says.

"Your train...? Oh it was you outside the kitchen. I thought I heard someone listening." Aggie says.

"Miss Aggie who are these kids?" Alexis asks.

"Oh forgive me! These are my grandkids Marnie, Dylan, and Sophie. Everyone this is Alexis. She helps me around the house. Well I suppose I can assume your mother doesn't know you're here. I dare say that she's going to be very upset when finds she you're gone." Aggie says as Alexis smiles kindly.

"Can't we just call her?" Sophie asks.

"No, no, dear. I'm afraid we haven't worked out long-distance yet. No, I'll have to take you home myself." Aggie says.

"But you can't take us home!" Marnie shouts.

"Yeah. We want to help you fight the bad thing!" Sophie says.

"Yeah. The bad thing or the force field. Whatever it is." Dylan says.

"You said you needed another Cromwell witch. That could be me. You can train me!" Marnie says.

"Yeah well I suppose it would be all right if you stay a little while. As long as we get you home before it's midnight in the Mortal World." Aggie says.

"But that's only two hours from now." Dylan says.

"Time works differently here. Two hours there could be two days here. It'll be alright." Alexis says.

"What's this Grandma?" Dylan asks as he is standing next to a big cauldron.

"Ah you've discovered the witches' glass. It's been down through the Cromwell clan over many generations. I've been using it to keep my eye on things. Now the glass shows me that some evil force is at work here in Halloweentown. Also the worse is yet to come." Aggie says.

"What can we do to stop it?" Marnie asks.

"That's what we're working on now. Is how to stop it." Alexis says.

"Follow us. We'll show you. Merlin himself used this talisman to end the Dark Ages over in the World. And I think it's just the thing to tackle our troubles here in Halloweentown." Aggie says.

"Are you cookin' chowder Grandma? I like chowder." Sophie says as Aggie takes a cauldron out from a device.

"That's actually witches brew." Alexis says as Dylan looks at her.

"It's a little recipe that I picked up in the sixth century. Around King Arthur's time." Aggie says.

"How's this stuff gonna help?" Dylan asks.

"Oh by bringing this talisman back to life." Aggie says.

"Are you gonna use your magic to raise some spirits, have a big sance and call on the forces of darkness to get it going?" Marnie asks.

"No I'm just gonna fill it up and see if the light goes on. If I can get it lit and it properly installed it should suffice to drive away this force that threatens us." Aggie says as she holds the talisman.

"That's it? You just fill it up?" Marnie asks in disappointment.

"I do have to say a spell over it. That's why I came to ask your mother to help me. You see spells are much more powerful when more than one witch joins in. Especially if they're Cromwells." Aggie says.

"Can't Alexis help you?" Sophie asks.

"Oh no. I'm not a witch. I'm a wolfshifter. I can help out with making things but not doing spells." alexis says.

"Well I'll help you." Marnie says confidently.

"Oh that's very sweet of you dear but you haven't been trained yet. And since your mother isn't of the mind to help I guess I'm just on my own. Oh drat! That's what I get for trying to use instant. Just doesn't work like it does when you make it from scratch." Aggie says as the talisman lights up for a moment before going back out.

"Well that's something I can help you with! I can cook!" Marnie says happily.

"If you count pouring cereal!" Dylan says as Marnie smacks him.

"Even so it won't help if we don't have the right ingredients." Alexis says.

"Well let's look at the original recipe. Come, come. Come over here. Now see... That's it! Vampire's fang, hair of a werewolf, sweat of a ghost... I suppose we could get these ingredients in town but we have to be careful not to reveal our true purpose. I can't be certain who to trust anymore." Aggie says.

"Let's do it!" Marnie shouts.

"Then it's settled. Alexis will you please stay here? Watch the talisman as we go into town. We shouldn't be long." Aggie says as Alexis nods.

"I can do that. Be careful." Alexis says as she watches the others leave.

Ignite The Fire In My Heart Halloweentown Dylan X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now