David's face grew even more confused, and Thomas finally looked back at his brother.

"Battery? Batacus?"

"Oh, right. Basically, this world is made up of atoms, and while I can't exactly go into detail, bacteria are like little lifeforms on pretty much everything. Some bacteria make you sick, and if you drink the water they're inside of, then you will get sick."


"Well, like I said, we should find a place to store the water. Although, we started with literally nothing, so no pots or whatever for us, haha..."

"No water, no life. We need water."

"Yep, we sure do. Well, if we can't get water, we should probably look for civilization, since that's the only way we'll get water. We should probably follow the river, and see where it takes us."


Thomas turned his head away, and began to walk near the river.

David followed him, and after a lot of walking, they reached a village.

"Ah, we're naked, so if we just march on in— hey!"

David walked into the village, despite Thomas' warnings, and the villagers saw him.

They were immediately surprised by the foreigner, and raised their weapons.

Seeing that, Thomas sprinted towards David, and stood in front of him with his arms spread out.

"Wait wait wait! We mean no harm, none whatsoever! Please, listen to us!"

"Who are you?!"

"We're brothers! We're willing to do work in exchange for safety! Please, allow us to stay here."

The villagers looked amongst themselves, and discussed the matter.

"If your magical talent is great enough, then we shall allow you to join us."

"Magical... talent?"

The chief of the village arrived, and the villagers stood tall, facing him.

The chief approached Thomas, and looked at him.

"Take this, and we shall see your magical talent."

The chief took out a blue orb, and handed it to Thomas.

"Assuming you prove yourself, you are to change immediately."

"Yes sir."

Thomas held the blue orb, and it shone white, extremely so.

Seeing this, the chief smiled, and nodded his head.

"Ah, healing magic. Such will be useful, most certainly. You are allowed inside. Now, as for your brother..."

The chief took the orb from Thomas' hand, and gave it to David.

David's orb turned pitch black, and the chief nodded his head.

"Anti magic. Not exactly useful, but due to the darkness, it is most certainly powerful. You are allowed inside as well."

Thomas smiled, and hugged his brother, but kept his hips at a distance, since they were naked.

"Hm. You two are most certainly brothers. You two almost look like clones."

"Back at home, they used to say that as well. Heck, they even asked if we had telepathic powers once. Alright, David, let's go."

The chief guided them to a small house near the farm of the village, and they were sent inside, receiving clothes.

It was small, with three beds, but since no one else was using it, that extra bed would be empty.

History's Greatest Brothers: Thomas and DavidWhere stories live. Discover now