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As you ran down the road and into the alley you went through yesterday you mumbled "Y/n you really should be more careful."

You felt a pair of eyes on you as you ran past a abandoned building but thought nothing of it.

As you were almost at your college your phone rang, it was bff/n.

Bff/n: Where are you?

Y/n: I'm almost there just wait a minute

Bff/n: Ok I'll tell the professor that you'll be here in a minute then, you really have to sort out your sleeping schedule.

Y/n: hehe, I know.

You then not a minute later came into the class, no one seemed to notice except for a few girls that liked to pick on you. Unfortunately for you there was a seating plan put in place so you couldn't sit beside bff/n, "shit" you thought while you asked the professor where you could sit.

"You can sit over there" he pointed at the seat next to Thomas Burke. "Great, abso-fucking-lutely wonderful" you thought, you knew the bullying could only get worse sitting next to most popular guy in our school.

✨The equivalent of Jotaro's status✨

His fan club glaring at you while you sat down. By the end of class nothing interesting had happened. Getting up, about to walk over to bff/n. Thomas spoke up and said "could I borrow a pen mine just snapped" he lifted up his hand showing blue ink splattered all over it, "sure, please give it back tomorrow though" you replied handing him a pen.

You turned around and started to walk away. As the leader of his fan club and your bullies, Leona walked past and whispered in your ear "you'll pay for that, I'll make sure of it".

"Bitch" you thought to scared to say it out loud. "What did she say to you" questioned Bff/n, "nothing..." you replied. "Don't worry Y/n she'll get what's coming to her one day" he said confidently. You gave out a little giggle and walked over to the library with him.

"Y/n tell me about yesterday" he said excitedly. You then explained exactly what happened excluding this morning's incident.

Realising the time you said your goodbyes to Bff/n and left to go home and on your way back Leona and her group of friends attacked you.

"WHAT THE FUCK" you shouted as she tried to stab you but luckily for you she only cut your arm. Although it did make a lot of blood gush out. "WHAT DID I DO TO MAKE HER WANT TO FUCKING KILL ME" you internally screamed while clutching your cut and running away.

She then screamed manically "THATS A WARNING FOR GETTING TO CLOSE TO THOMAS." Running into the alley your vision started to get blurry, realising she not only got your arm but a bit of your stomach. "Shit" you mumbled, only to then notice a familiar face. It was Wammu.

"Hey could you help me out, I'm kind of-". You collapsed into Wammu's arms before you could hit the ground.

-Wammu's pov-

"I wonder if that young maiden is here today, I feel a strange yearning for her, how peculiar". I thought, "I have already informed master Kars and he suggested I should take her back to our temporary hideout, Y/n what a beautiful name".

I continued walking until I saw someone on my patrol around the area. It was Y/n, I blushed but then  noticed something off about her, my smile suddenly dropping. I realised she was profusely bleeding "I have to help her immediately and take her to the temporary hideout" I thought concerned for her health.

She then collapsed into my arms saying "hey could you help me out, I'm kind of-". I picked her up bridal style and rushed back.

-Kars' pov-

"Wammu fell in love with a human girl how pathetic, but I suppose I am no better" I mumbled

~A little while later~

I heard Wammu knock on the door "you may enter" I say irritated that it interrupted my thoughts. He walked in holding a human woman, I looked up to see that her side was drenched in blood. "This is the human girl I was speaking to you about lord Kars"

My eyes widened as I realised it was the girl from the morning who was sprinting past the building they were situated in.

I was enamoured by her smiling face as she rushed by and now she is here in front of me almost dead. "Wammu do you wish to keep standing there or save the woman" I said in an intimidating tone.

-Caesar and Joseph's pov-

"What's taking her so long" said Joseph swinging on his chair. "I am getting a bit concerned, she has been gone for a while" answered Caesar.

"Maybe she's hanging out with her friend, what was his name, oh yeah it's bff/n" said Joseph."yeah, I hope she's alright" replied Caesar.

-Y/n pov-

I woke up in soft bed sheets, "wait WHERE THE FUCK AM I" you internally shouted. You slowly sat up as the pain in your side was horrible but it was bandaged up so you wouldn't bleed out.

Looking around the room you realised that someone was with you and you realised it was Wammu. "Uh excuse me where is this?" you say confuse.

✨This one was a long one but go to bed I know it's late✨

(Y)Pillarmen x (fem) reader x (Y)Joseph and (Y)Caesar Where stories live. Discover now