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Ever since the first time you cooked for the league Dabi had been utterly terrified to try any of your cooking. So when he overheard Toga and Twice talking about how you practically demanded to cook dinner tonight as a sort of redemption he was barely managing to keep his breakfast down at the sheer thought of it.
He didn't care if you were secretly the love of his life or not. Your last meal was literally the worst thing he's ever experienced to this day and that includes burning himself alive and growing up with Endeavor. Okay, maybe he was being a bit over dramatic but it truly was horrendous.

"Hey, do you uhhh need any help?" He questioned with every intent to try to save whatever taste buds he had left.

"I've got it, thank you though." You replied shooing him away with your hand.

Dabi walked out of the kitchen leaving you to do your thing.

You knew he didn't trust you after last time but it had been such an honest mistake you really didn't mean to cover the chicken wings in baking soda. You had just been in a rush and the boxes looked so similar you grabbed that instead of the baking powder and poured it in without noticing. Who knew such a tiny mistake would end up making such a drastic impact.

Into a pan your threw in some finely chopped garlic and ginger along with some shiitake mushrooms and doubanjiang, you then poured in water and then tossed in the soft tofu and let it simmer a bit before adding in chili flakes and sugar to balance the flavors and a few other ingredients, finally you added one last cup of water mixed with cornstarch to thicken it all up and tossed in a few scallions and let it simmer for about 5 more minutes before it was done.
Looking at your completed meal you did a little happy dance and tried a small bite, it was perfect.

"Guys it's ready" you gushed loudly.

One by one they all piled into the kitchen. Dabi being the last to enter, dragging his feet every step of the way.

"Mapo tofu?" Shigaraki asked.

"It actually looks great." Twice chimed in

"Everyone has had such a rough week I figured we could all use something on the more comforting side."

"I don't think I'll find much comfort in that if you made it. Dabi scoffed under his breath.

His words hurt as he was the person you were trying to impress the most. Was he really that unwilling to give you a second chance?

Dabi could tell you were fighting back tears at his hurtful words and he actually felt genuinely bad for speaking them aloud. He didn't know why he said it really, it had just kind of slipped out before he even realized it was happening. Looking into your devastated eyes was all it took to make his heart drop. "God, I'm such a dick", he thought. "She probably hates me now."

You didn't say anything you just took a deep breath and bit your tongue. You began handing out bowls of the Mapo tofu on top of steamed white rice and placing it in everyone's hands one by one. Dabi again was last.

"I'm… I'm sorry if it's not good," you said trailing off as you placed the bowl in his hands.
He looks at you with apologetic eyes but doesn't say a word instead he takes the bowl and sits down without even speaking.

(You take your seat at the table across from Dabi, Kurogir and Shigaraki to his right and Compress to the left, Toga, Twice and Spinner sat on either side of you.)

Toga is the first to take a bite, her face lights up as she does.
"It's so good!"
The others follow shortly after. Dabi on the other hand still looks a bit skeptical as he holds his chopsticks to the bowl.
You lock eyes with him, your heart pounding in your chest.
He offers you a polite smile before sighing to himself and biting the bullet.
You watch as his facial expression changes from terrified to pure bliss.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding before you begin to eat your food as well.
You all sit around the table chatting about life and work and everything inbetween. Everyone seems happy and content for the first time in so long. The sight brings a sense of warmth and joy to your heart.


Everyone is long gone at this point except for you who of course stayed back to clean up your mess. You're in the midst of washing dishes when you hear a familiar voice from behind you .
"Hey, need a hand?"

You turn to face Dabi who's already dressed in his sleeping clothes.

"Yeah, okay."
Dabi grabs a towel and dries and puts the dishes away as you wash them.

"So, listen I'm really sorry for earlier." He states rubbing the back of his neck.

"That really hurt my feelings Dabi."

"Yeah, I know." "I'm not even sure why I said it, I should have just given you the benefit of the doubt or whatever."

"Yes, you should have." "That really wasn't cool, I didn't intentionally fuck up last time it was an honest mistake and it's not cool that you still hold it against me."

"You're right…"

Dabi stood there quietly contemplating what he should say next but you beat him to the punch.

"Why are you always so mean to me, what did I ever do to you.. You know as awful as you are to me at times Dabi I don't even dislike you because I… I… forget it.. I just want to know why you hate me so much."

Dabi looked as if you had just kicked him in the stomach. He couldn't believe that you actually thought he hated you, when in reality it was quite the opposite. He never stopped thinking about you. You were the reason he kept waking up in the morning and you actually thought he hated you? How could you think something so stupid.

"I don't hate you (y/n)" he whispered so quietly you almost didn't hear him.

"Well you sure fooled me."

"Don't say that, I don't hate you," He snapped, causing you to flinch at his sudden raise in voice.

Your eyes met and you could see the hurt in them.
"Then what?" You demanded.

"I don't know, I guess I just feel comfortable poking fun at you because."
He took a deep breath. Was he really about to say this out loud and to you?

"Because?" You snapped staring daggers into his soul.

He stood in front of you unsure of exactly what or how to say what was on his mind. He watched as you grew more and more impatient by the moment.

"Fine, don't tell me." You said dropping a bowl into the soapy water and starting to walk away.

"Where are you going (y/n)?"

"I just need to be alone right now."

"I love you okay.. Fuck is that what you wanted me to say?" He shouted after you.

"You what?" You questioned clearly thinking you had just imagined it. No way Dabi of all people would ever say something like that out loud.

"If you make me say it again I'll set you on fire." "You heard me."

You turned around to face him, he looked sincere.
You stood there frozen in your tracks as Dabi neared closer. His eyes locked on yours as he grabbed your face both very passionately and filled with slight annoyance for making him finally speak his true feelings. He pulled your face to his, the kiss was passionate and needy like he never wanted to let you go. It went on for a long time until he finally pulled away to catch his breath. He pressed his forehead against your own, his ocean blue eyes stared longingly into your own.

"I hate that you make me feel so fucking vulnerable, that's why I treat you like shit so I feel like I have some sense of control."

"Fuck Dabi" you chuckled.
"If I say I feel the same, will you stop treating me like trash?"

"Absolutely, doll face." He nodded, planting a soft kiss on the top of your head.

Absolutely// Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now