Chapter 7: Here Comes The King

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Catelyn Stark's POV
It's been a long time since Rheanys and Rheagar left Westeros. Their three children that they left behind in my care have grown into fine young men and a gentle young woman. Now Aegon is 17,Jaehaerys is 16, and Rheaella is 15 I still remember what their mother told me when she sent them away with me to Winterfell "Catelyn you must tell them the truth when they are old enough," Rheanys said. Suddenly I hear my name being called I looked to my left and it was my husband Ned Stark.

Ned looks at me with worry "Cat are you ok," Ned asks me while holding my hand I shake my head yes to him

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Ned looks at me with worry "Cat are you ok," Ned asks me while holding my hand I shake my head yes to him. "Yes, Ned I'm ok," I said looking at Ned then a boy ran towards us "My Lord and Lady someone from Essos has sent you something," said the boy then we tell him to get Andrew, Joseph and Hannah for us and he goes to get them. Ned and I go to our room and wait for them. The door opens in walks in Aegon, Jaehaerys and Rheaella "What's with the three box's," Aegon asks us then I stepped forward "Aegon, Jaehaerys and Rheaella I know the three of you are wondering why we called you here it's because a long time ago before Robert Baratheon took the throne another family ruled Westeros it's hard for me to tell you guys this but Ned and I aren't your real parents your mother and father are still alive they are Rheagar and Rheanys Targaryen they are called the Targaryen Twins," I said holding back tears then all three of them started hugging me. Ned tells them the rest of the story after that I picked up the letter that came with the boxes it says
"To our beloved children Aegon, Jaehaerys and Rheaella
Today is a special occasion for you three throughout our family the Targaryen's had dragons. So a friend of ours found three rare dragon eggs for you three: To our First born son Aegon you get the blue dragon egg, to our Second Born son Jaehaerys you get the green dragon egg and to our lovely daughter Rheaella you get the white dragon egg. For you three to communicate with your Dragon you have to talk to them in High Valyrian. We will be back for you three and we do love you and miss you.
From King Rheagar and Queen Rheanys Targaryen."
After our talk with Aegon, Jaehaerys and Rheaella. Everyone was getting ready for the King then I saw Bran climbing again "Bran how many times have I told you no more climbing," I said to my son. "Mother the king is coming this way," Bran said I froze where I stood if the King is coming that means Cersei is coming "Bran tell your father and siblings that the king is coming," I said and Bran ran to tell Ned and behind him was his Direwolf following.
Cersei Lannister's POV:
It's been a long journey from Kings Landing to Winterfell. I hope Rheanys children still remember I know it's been a long time since I last seen them. We stopped the door of the carriage opens and I stepped out and Robert my husband stepped towards the Stark's.

Everyone bowed to us and I looked at my son Joffrey looking at Sansa Stark and Rheaella Targaryen with lust in eyes "Joffrey stop looking at Hannah Stark she's not yours to marry Sansa Stark is now behave," I said to him "Yes, Mother," he said wit...

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Everyone bowed to us and I looked at my son Joffrey looking at Sansa Stark and Rheaella Targaryen with lust in eyes "Joffrey stop looking at Hannah Stark she's not yours to marry Sansa Stark is now behave," I said to him "Yes, Mother," he said with an attitude. Suddenly I saw a familiar face that I haven't seen in a long time it was Catelyn Stark.

I walked up to her and hugged her "It's been a long time Cersei," Catelyn said to me I nod my head "Yes it has been a long time," I said

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I walked up to her and hugged her "It's been a long time Cersei," Catelyn said to me I nod my head "Yes it has been a long time," I said.

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