"I know you're not about to tell me it didn't mean anything right now." I said holding up my hand to stop him from making up some excuse. I couldn't deal with whatever compromise he was going to try to make. I was literally done at this point. His shoulders slumped as I made my way to the door pulling on a light Hollister hoodie and grabbing my keys and phone and turning around to face him.

"I can't believe I even considering trusting you. All you did was turn around and stab me in the back. I wasted five years of my life I'll never get back loving you and it's the worst mistake I've ever made. Now I'm going out to have fun and I swear to God Dylan Samuel Sutton if you're not out of my apartment by the the time I come back totally shitfaced, I'm calling the cops." I said turning around and walking out the door to my car.

I was angry as I unlocked my phone and dialed a familiar number holding it to my ear.


"it's been like eight hours Hailey." I said laughing and pulling out of the parking lot.

"Eight hours too long muchacha. So what's up?" She asked as I stopped at a red light.

"Oh nothing. We're just going to get totally fucked up and party, so be ready in ten minutes cause I'm on my way." I explained taking a right down a street.

"Uh oh. What happened?"

"Nothing just be ready babe." I said and hung up.

Ten minutes later I spotted Hailey's apartment complex and pulled into the parking lot and parallel parked along the sidewalk watching my best friend walk out of the doors and stumble over her heels. Why was she wearing heels? She made it to the passenger side of the car and gripped on for dear life as she opened the door and plopped down out of breath.

"And you're wearing heels why?" I asked raising my eyebrow as she smiled.

"You said party. Plus I'm not stupid I brought emergency flats, that I'll probably change into right when we get there." She said holding a small hand bag up smiling. I giggled and drove out of the parking lot and down the street to the bar where you could hear the music from there.

"I know you're not stupid, what stupid person studies to be a theoretical scientist?" I asked as she stepped out of the car.

"Nerd!" I coughed under my breath while she turned around and glared.

"Well excuse me miss I can play every instrument." She sassed putting her hand on her hip.

"Hey Its not every instrument." I defended as I got out an followed her.

"Lemme start a list. Clarinet, flute, oboe, trumpet, trombone, piano, piccolo--"

"Ok ok I get it." I said exasperatedly and smiled at her while entering the bar and sitting at a stool. Hailey started switching her shoes immediately. I had a feeling she would do that. The bartender made his way over to us and leaned against the counter.

"What can I get for you lovely ladies tonight?" He asked cracking his knuckles. I winced at the sound and looked at Hailey who popped her head up.

"I'll have a vodka chaser!" She exclaimed.
"I'll just have a beer." I said as a loud chorus of cheers erupted behind me. The bartender looked confused as the cheers died down and asked me to repeat my order.

"A beer please." I said louder but the cheers erupted again and I scowled waiting for them to die down before repeating myself again.

"Add six shots onto that please." Hailey said as the bartender nodded clicking his tongue and walking away. Hailey turned to me with an expectant look on her face.

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