chapter ten. slit your throat

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"You're insane," Jace climbs on the back and Hope speeds off, wind in her hair as she feels it sting her skin at the speed they're going.

"This is so fun!" Hope calls says as she lets go off the handle but Jace grabs ahold of it.

"Just hold on." he explains. "We have to find-" Hope says but Jace interrupts her.

"Simon. I know" Jace says before Hope goes faster before the bike goes up in the air before Hope lands them on the roof of the hotel Da'moure.

"How are we gonna find Simon?" Hope asks, helping him off the bike.

"He's probably in the most secure room. We'll know it when we see it." Jace explains.

"What if they encanto him or something? Will he turn into a vampire? I don't know how your vampires work." Hope says looking at Jace.

"No, he needs to drink vampire blood and die and then come back. Vampires get made the same way, no matter where you are." Jace explains and Hope scoffs.

"I was just asking," she shoves him a little and he shoves her back.

"And don't worry about him getting bitten. It won't hurt. It's like being on high love." Jace explains, as Hope moves closer to him.

"Have you ever been?" She asks, her brows knitting together.

"Biten? Nope." Jace says simply.

"No, I mean in love, dumbass." Hope adds as Jace shrugs. "No to that too." he says as she nods.

"What about you?" He asks.

"Yeah." She responds.

"Simon or Clary?" Jace asks as Hope laughs. "No, we're just friends. You don't know her. Her name is Josie. She died a few years back." The memory makes Hope's heart yearn.

"How did she die?" Jace turns to her, his hand brushing her arm. "Can we not talk about it?" She asks and he nods.

"Of course, come on. We have to go, it's almost daylight." He explains. Soon the two are walking into the hotel.

"I hear something." Hope says, stopping Jace before they look to see a hoard of vamps.

They go through the back as Hope and Jace hold their blades ready. They walk in to see the guy from the club. He grabs Hope as the vampires attack Jace.

Hope grabs the guy's hand off her neck, breaking it into a million pieces before swinging him across the room. When she turns Jace is being choked by a vampire.

"The blade" she yells, throwing his blade his way when Alec, Izzy and Clary join them.

Alec shoots a hole in the wall letting in light as the vampire disappears. After Hope and Jace fight off the other vampires they all stand in the room as Hope smiles at Clary, glad to see her friend without a scratch.

She knew Alec wouldn't lose her. "You did great." Izzy says with a smile.

"Thanks but we have to find Simon." Hope says before they walk away before finding Simon with a knife to his neck that was held by Raphael Santiago. An old friend of Hope.

Clary wants to attack but Hope holds her back. "Hey buddy," she waves at him.

"I'm not your buddy. I've had enough of you and your little friends. Especially this one. I'd love to cut his throat at any second. Don't give me a reason." Raphael threatens as they put their swords away.

"Now just follow me." Raphael says as they go through a passage way. "Open that door right now or I'll kill him!" Raphael says. "But Simon-" Clary says. Hope pulls her back.

"Listen to him" Jace speaks up. Alec opens the door as he and Izzy along with Clary and Jace walk out while Hope stays behind with her sort of friend, sort of enemy, Raphael.

"Take him." Raphael says as Hope grabs ahold of Simon, helping him out.

"Remember who your friends are Hope Mikaelson!" he's gone before Hope closes the door.

"Shouldn't we get the hell out of here?" Simon asks worried while Hope pulls him into a hug.

"Why? It's morning. They can't get us. I thought you said you watched movies." Jace explains as the two Lightwoods both go up the stairs as he follows, leaving Clary, Hope and Simon behind.

"The Whore Trio is finally back together!' Clary jumps her two friends as they laugh while hugging each other.

"I missed you two," Simon smiles at the two, his eyes remaining on Clary a bit longer.

"We have to, like, have a sleepover to celebrate or something like that-" Hope is cut off by Jace.

"Alec, stop!" Jace yells getting everyone's attention. "I'm older than you, Jace. I'm not in your shadow." Alec says as they talk before he walks away in a rush, leaving the group still watching him before their gazes shift.

Clary's eyes falling on Hope, Simon's eyes on Clary while both Jace and Izzy look at Hope who stares out where Alec disappeared to.

𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑, 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum