Coming Home (Very) Late

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I just finished my job for today, currently, I am replacing one of my friends, Coco Arayha, as a Pageant Director. She was supposed to do her duty for another year, but a huge contract from the production house forced her to release her duty to me, the next in line. I'm not sure why papa doesn't choose Indy Johnson as the Miss Grand Thailand 2021 or Patcharaporn Chantarapadit as Miss Grand Thailand 2020, but me, from 2022—adding more work to my overload working time already.

It was P'Faye who teach me the ropes on how to become the pageant director for Miss Grand Thailand 2024, Coco was too busy to teach me, she had just gone with the wind. And papa Nawat's trust in me is mind-blowing, wondering how he could be so confident I could do the job without a proper introduction. And what makes it worst is; "Fa, being a Pageant Director, is responsible for putting the entire Pageant together, from recruiting talent to hiring Judges to make sure there are prizes for the contestants to win. If you're a Pageant Director, you spend much of the year securing funding for your Pageant." Said P'Faye, the Miss Grand Thailand 2016.


"Ask boss Nawat, he has a list of investors, judges, managers, and everything you need. All you need to do is put everything together."

"And?" I'm one hundred sure P'Faye will leave me with lots of questions, she enjoys teasing me, she lives for that.

"Be beautiful, as always."

"That's it?"

"That's it." That was what P'Faye said a month before I officially replaced Coco for Pageant Director of MGT 2024, she missed the part where I needed to have late dinner or do things out of the schedule to please the investors.



"Come on, Fa." Coco pleads to me, I don't know what makes her think I am the most suitable person to replace her.

"Why me?"

"Because you're fun! You have a great personality, you're the epitome of beauty, grace, and dorkiness. I'm sure the people will love you, plus we need more viewers from the non-pageants viewers. After your batch, 2022, our rating is down significantly." Coco tells me a great story with great logic behind it, yes, I know the viewers for MGT is decreasing after 2022.

"What if I make mistakes?" I do not like the idea of humiliating myself in front of an audience.

"Fa, you're the Miss Grand Thailand 2022, the one who breaks the stigma, the one who sits on top by 2022, the 1st Runner Up of Miss Grand International 2022. You're the Engfa Waraha! Mistakes? Just smile and wink, they'll forgive you immediately."

"Easy for you to say that. I don't know...." I was hesitant to accept the offer.

"Papa made you arrange your birthday theme in 2022, right?" Ask Coco, I nodded. "Being a Pageant Director is almost the same as that. Well, the difference is you take control of the whole show, you interact with the guests, the investors, the judges, the managers, and the beauty queens. You're gonna love it!" Coco really tried her best to persuade me.

"A birthday event isn't the same as coordinating a pageant, moreover with 77 provinces altogether!"

Coco stares at me directly, this woman in front of me is absolutely beautiful, no wonder she's the Miss Grand Thailand 2019, "did the missus disagree?"

"No." I quickly answered, my mind going to the beauty who's been my lover since the end of 2022, "she's always supportive of whatever I'm doing."

"A year, Fa! Just a year!" She gave me puppy eyes to me.

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