She stared down at you with a deadpan, "Was that you trying to hide?" She then turned away, before walking back over to her disciple's beds, "Because you really do suck at it. You couldn't have been any more obvious, pfft."

You widened your eyes, before fully regaining balance on your feet, "EH? LOOK, I THINK I DID PRETTY GOOD FOR A GIRL WITH A BROKEN LEG!"

Zenitsu ran over to you in a panicked state, "(Y/N)-chan!! ARE YOU OKAY?!" He reached out a hand to your laying figure, before helping you up. He then slinged your arm around his shoulder as you continued, "PLUS.. YOU CAN'T BLAME ME FOR LAUGHING! IT WAS FUNNY!"

You then lowered your voice, before using your free hand to facepalm, "Just.. don't tell anyone I was in here! I'll get put on house arrest at this point..."

You paused, "..wait. Would it be like.. hospital room arrest.. or.."

Zenitsu exasperatedly sighed, "(Y/N)-chan..."

He then looked at you, "It'd probably be.. something like.. doctor arrest." You scoffed, "Nono.. that just sounds like you're arresting a doctor."

"No it doesn't.. not if you say it in the right context."

"Zenitsu.. you literally don't have a education. Just trust me."


The woman's eyes lit up with a spark of recognition. She turned back to you, "You're the infamous (Y/N)?" You blinked owlishly, "Wait, me? Yeah.. I'm (Y/N)."

You squinted your eyes at the woman, trying to rack up a memory of meeting her, "But.. funny story.. I don't really remember you..!"

The woman chuckled as she pointed her thumb at Eli, "We haven't! Hugh told me all about you!" A cheeky grin grew onto her face, "With all the embarrassing stories he told me, I really wanted to meet you!"

Your cheeks slightly tinted pink from embarrassment, "Embarrassing stories..? Oh my god. What did he tell you?!"

She coughed into her fist, trying to contain her giggles, "He told me about that one time—"

You yelled over her, shaking your hands frantically, "NO, NEVERMIND!!" You then lowered your voice, "I don't want to be reminded of my not-so-smart moments... you get it.. hah.."

You then smiled, "Anyways! Introductions are in order.. seeming as if you already know my name!" You pointed to Zenitsu, "This is Zenitsu! He's one of my closest friends here!" A faint blush creeped onto his face as a smile quickly grew, "I'm o-one of your closest friends?"

You chuckled, tightening your arm around his shoulder, "Of course you are! We're like two peas in a pod!" At this point, his face was as red as a ripe tomato, "Y-Yeah!! Yeah we are!"

The woman stuck out her hand towards the two of you, a wide smile evident on her features, "I'm Tomoe. Tomoe Shiraki. I'm the one who trained both Sōta and Hugh."

You grasped your hand with hers, before shaking it rapidly, "I knew it! Ha! You are the person who trained El-" You abruptly stopped yourself, "..Hugh!"

You each let go, "Both of them were always nervous of you visiting, one time they even did a push-up challenge to decide who would be forced to send you a letter!"

𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑹  ⤶ 「 𝑲𝑵𝒀 𝑿 𝑴𝑶𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑵 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹 」Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ