[Aaron's pov]

I was about to sleep on the couch when i heard father and sister talking.I then got up and put my head on the door i could hear them say "what if he finds out?..im just scared to lose him.."i hear my father said as i went back to the couch and sleep.

[the next day]

    I was awoken by my alarm and when i got up i sat on the table and saw aunty cooking food."Good morning sister" i said as she looked at me "good morning aaron did you get a good night sleep?" She asked "yea i did and it was wonderful" i said as i smile.Later she gave me pancakes and i just sat there putting the syrup and berries.While i was doing that father came inside the house.

"Good morning father!" I said "good morning aaron" he said as he got a bottle of water.I then began to eat my food while father and sister was talking about something.I heard about a call that came in last night but i didn't want to get into their stuff so yea.


I finished eating and i cleaned my plate at the sink.After that i got outside and i see oreo the lion.I sat beside him and i lay my head on his fluffy fur.I then look at the sky and the sun was going up.

As the sun goes up the shadow of the tree covering us up.I then got up and opened the door.I hear my sisters voice and shouting..

I looked at the corner and saw her on the phone with someone and she was shouting as if she knew that person.

I then got my phone and i layed my head on oreo's fur."Who was she talking to that made her angry..?"i said as i think over and over again before i had a headache and i stopped thinking about it and i close my eyes and i fell asleep.

Im sorry its not much

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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