He reaches his hand out seeming with the intent to stop Sheik but he hesitates, wanting to see the end. There only seemed to be two pages left. He clenched his hand into a fist and lowered his hand back down. "In truth, I understand Zelda's feelings. Painfully so. She lost her mother, her teacher, before she could learn from her. Ten pointless years of self-training, without so much as a book or note to help her find her way... Those in the castle talk behind her back. And I, her only family, scold her for her shortcomings. No wonder she wishes to hide away in her beloved relic research. I'd love nothing more than to console her... But I must stay strong. She must fulfill her duty, just as we all must. Even if she comes to despise me."

The last page is flipped and Sheik reads it to him. "I have been told my Zelda went to the Spring of Wisdom... This will likely be her last chance. If she is unable to awaken her power at Lanayru, all hope is truly lost. If she comes back without success, then I shall speak kindly with her. Scolding is pointless now. I forced ten years of training on her... and after all that, it seems her power will stubbornly awaken some other way. Perhaps I should encourage her to keep researching her beloved relics. They may just lead her to answers I can't provide. For now, I sit anxiously, more a father than a king in this moment. I sit and await my daughter's return."

Sheik closed the book and picked it up, setting it delicately off to the side. When he turned away he moved on, searching the room and the books in it for a few other things. Link stared at the journal, torn in his feelings, and then after a few moments he glances over his shoulder and lets his gaze fall on Sheik's back. "Why?" He asks quietly, seeing the other pause in flipping through a book to listen to him. "As a Sage, why do you think she couldn't make her power work? From the way people spoke I became a champion after drawing the Master Sword. I did that effortlessly according to them, so why couldn't she make her power work?"

"The Master Sword is different from using the powers of a Goddess." Sheik says quietly, closing the book he was holding and running his hand across the cover of it before turning to look at Link. "You don't need to use Farore's power to draw the Master Sword. You're descended from the line of Hero's before you. Both Farore and the Master Sword itself knows when it is needed, and it will call to the Hero. It'll allow itself to be drawn when it's needed, and after serving its purpose it must be returned to the sacred grove. Because that sword," he motioned toward the blade on Link's back. "Seals a part of Ganon's power after he is destroyed."

While being new information and telling him quite a bit, it did not tell him at all anything else. Sheik seemed to realize that and turned his head away, glancing at the destroyed pictures on the wall that were falling apart. He doesn't even seem to blink at the state the castle was in, but he's probably seen it like that before. "There could be a couple different reasons why she struggled." He settled on finally, falling quiet as the wind rattled the broken windows and whistled through the library. "Determination was clearly not one of her problems. Will power wasn't. It could simply have been that she wasn't ready for it yet, because the immediate threat wasn't there. She would need the power of the Triforce of Wisdom and the answer could be as simple as she didn't have it yet ." He shrugged slightly. "Because it would have still been in the Sacred Realm." He took a breath and turned his attention back over to Link.

"You told me in one of the few memories you have that you saw her use her power when you were near death. When everything was finally reaching its peak. She had purpose, reason, intention, and at that point the Triforce of Wisdom undoubtedly. Everything plays a part." So she could pray for years and years and never get an answer? To him, that seems rather unfair. Not a single bit of guidance offered to her from the Goddesses, whereas during this entire journey he feels he's gotten that.

Somehow, it didn't seem fair.

"There's always a connection between the two of you." Link blinked and then slid his gaze back over to Sheik, seeing only his back as he made his way out of the King's Study. He goes to quickly follow him, wanting to know what he was referring to. Though he didn't seem interested in continuing the conversation as he grabs the Sheikah slate and pulls the map up once more. He catches the other's elbow and attempts to meet his red gaze.

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