Third would be a demon wanting to take Louis as far into the woods as possible before sacrificing him.

He's putting his bet on the second option, but the third isn't too far behind.

"What are you doing out here?" a voice asks from behind him.

Yep. There goes the tummy butterflies over the deep drawl of the voice.

"I couldn't sleep. Sorry if I woke you," Louis replies, still staring up at the sky.

Harry shuffles behind him and the trampoline dips beside Louis, springs wailing. He lays beside Louis, his own blanket around his shoulders.

"You didn't wake me. I was already awake, couldn't sleep either."

Louis looks at him then. The way he's sitting cross legged with a blanket thrown over his shoulders, hair pooling down his shoulders, head to the floor, makes him ever so childlike. He wants to wrap his arms around Harry and pull him in close.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" Louis asks, voice feather like so he doesn't disturb the peace of the night.

Harry shrugs. "Feel like my mind is waiting for something to happen and I don't know what. What about you?" His gaze catches Louis.

Louis shrugs back. "Mind whirring with too many thoughts. Come lay down, let's stargaze."

Harry obliges and settles beside him, his knee bumping against Louis'. Louis sits up and throws his duvet over Harry's body as well.

"Don't want any mossies eating us now do we," he mumbles, giving Harry a weak smile.

He lays back down and looks up to what he believes is Mars. Its red glow the only colour against the inky sky.

"If you could change how things turned out for you, would you?" Louis asks into the night.

There's something about talking in the empty night that brings people to open up. It's as though they understand the moon will cage in their secrets and never reveal them. Makes them feel as though they're safe to speak them for the first and possibly the last time.

"What do you mean?" Harry replies.

Louis plays with the end of the duvet seam. "Like, if you could turn back time and not become famous, would you?"

Harry is quiet for a moment. "There's some things I would change, but I wouldn't want to change being there for people with my music, no. Giving them something to save them makes me feel like I've achieved more than the selling out stadiums."

"What things would you change?" Louis ponders.

Harry shifts a little, leaning his head against his arm. "Um..." he falls silent. "I don't know if I'm allowed to say," he whispers truthfully.

"The stars will be the only ones to share our secrets with us, H. I wouldn't blab them to the world, contract or no contract," Louis assures, tilting his head to look up at Harry.

Harry looks toward him. "For starters I'd change who I assigned to. There's so much that management control, it's exhausting." He chews his lip. "I'd change the way they image me as. Like, I'm not this guy that wants every skinny blonde girl. That isn't who I am."

"A blind person could see that, Harry," Louis chuckles. "You're too great to be the one that breaks people's hearts like they've painted you out to be."

"There comes a time when a blind man takes your hand and says can't you see?"

Louis takes that in for a moment. It speaks so loudly than anything Harry has ever said to him before. He must be screaming at this point and Louis feels for him.

In Too Deep (Dancing With The Shadows)Where stories live. Discover now