Xander's eyes landed on blonde haired beauty before Feyre can say something else. "Where were you hiding this beauty when you visited last time?" He said as he stepped around Feyre and Rhysand and towards Mor. "Xander this Rhys's cousin Morrigan . Mor this is my brother Xander" Feyre introduced them. She hoped at lest her brother would welcome Mor and doesn't freeze her like Feyre's sister. "It's an honour to meet you lady Morrigan" Xander took her right hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. A growl threatened to slip past Azriel's throat when he saw his mate kissing the female he simped after for years. He didn't know who he was jealous of. "Mor would suffice. It's nice to meet you Xander" Mor smiled. "And Feyre you didn't tell me your brother is a charmer" Mor wiggled her eyebrows at her friend. "Oh you haven't seen my charm yet My lady" Xander said earning a laugh from everyone except Nesta. "And you didn't answer my question why didn't you bring her to earlier visits?" Xander asked again. "We didn't want to crowd you" Rhysand replied with a smile. "You brought Cassian" Xander said. Feyre jaw hit the floor with shock. Rhys slapped a hand over his mouth to cover his laughter. Azriel was proud to say the least. Mor didn't even try to cover laughter. "Mother you are her brother" Cassian said. "Nice to meet you too Cassian" Xander greeted the general . Cassian scowled in his direction. "I think we are going to be best of friends" Mor declared as she draped a hand over Xander's shoulder.

"Well as entertaining as this has been I believe we have series matter to discuss at hand" Xander's tone took that one of formal. Everyone nodded their head. They were all waiting for the clock to strike eleven. Xander made his way to his sisters. He kissed Elain's forehead and greeted her. "I am sorry" he said to Nesta in a tone which sounded like a child talking to his mother after doing something wrong. "I told you to lay off of father's account. I told you to leave the children to me, Elain and Issac. I told you to only concentrate on preparing the eagles. You didn't listen. This is what happens when you over exert yourself Xander. You sleep like a dead body" Nesta scolded her brother. "The children are my responsibility Nes. I am the one who started it. I have to see through it" he argued with his sister. All of the gathered fae was looking between the siblings. "Don't. We can discuss this later" Nesta raised her hands. Xander released a sigh of relief and kissed her cheeks. Everyone present there found out one thing that Xander Archeron can charm anyone he want. Azriel was just a man. It's no wonder he fell for the boy. "Don't think you can charm your way out of this one" Nesta warned her brother. "I wouldn't dream of it" he placed his hands in his chest and threw a wink towards Mor. Mor blushed. This was the first time a mortal man has made her blush.

The chiming of the clock striking eleven left everyone in silence. A wind brushed through the room and five figures appeared flanked by two guards. "Fuck" Xander said in a quiet voice. It seems that all the fae gathered has his same emotion. .

"Well met" Rhysand greeted the gathered five queen. One looked like a crone, two looked like middle aged, the youngest one might e Feyre's age, but a golden haired queen looking like a true queen in every way a true seductress, with a single arch of her eyes brows the two guards scrambled to stand at the bay window. Xander pit himself between the guards and his sisters. He held onto Elain who was looking around nervously. The golden one was a lion in disguise.

The sixth queen was unwell it seems. After greeting and informing about the war to them the queens remained silent. They knew about the war. And they were planning to abandon the people of this territory.

"We have servants here. With families. Innocent children. Who don't know a single thing about war. And you meant to leave us all in the hands of fae?" Xander asked his voice dangerously calm. The lion queen flinched like Xander just slapped her across the face.
"It's no easy choice boy" the crone started. "It is a choice of coward" Nesta hissed. Xander grabbed her hands before she can dig a deeper grave for their people.

Even after hearing about the terrorising reign of Amarantha, the queens condescended Feyre. Xander was ready to take his dagger and pledge his life to Morrigan after seeing her bravery. Still it's not enough. They needed proof. They needed proof that Rhysand is not cruel, they needed proof that the night court is not cruel. Then they will consider giving the book to them.

By the end of the meeting Xander was sure about one thing. They are on their own. The mortal queens will not help the people of this territory. His eagles and him are the only thing that's going to stand between the slaughtering of humans if the wall falls. "I hope they all burn in hell" Elain muttered after the queens left.

"They are not going to give up the book" Xander stated. He paced the length of the sitting room. Biting his nail and thinking about what he needs to do. "Once they see proof they will" Rhysand said. "No they won't" Nesta declared. Xander nodded his head in agreement. "They think the book is their privilege. Their heritage. The only power they hold against the fae. They will not give it up" Xander explained. Every ones face became grim once they realised what Xander said was true.

"Find another way to get the book" he told them. Rhysand just nodded his head. He exhaled heavily as he slumped in a chair with his head in his hands. "I want to tell Gavin" he said to his sister. "What?" Feyre blinked. "I want to tell Gavin everything" Xander elaborated. "Do you think it's wise?" Feyre asked him. "Wise? Feyre we are way past thinking about what is wise and not. We are on our own. The mortal queens won't fucking help us. The only thing that's going to stand between the fae and our people is the eagles, Gavin and me if the wall falls. I can't do this alone. I have to tell him" Xander's voice cracked. Azriel inched towards his mate hearing voice break. His hands itched take hold of Xander. But he couldn't. He can't comfort him with his scarred and mauled hands. His shadows slithered towards Xander's legs and circled his ankles. "You can tell your friend about everything Xander. We are going to need all the help we can" Rhysand told him.

"And you are not alone. I would consider it an honour to fight beside you" Azriel told as he stood straight. Xander looked at him. A man of such power took time to train with him, teach him and train him. When he doesn't have to do any of those. But he did. He did all of it and willing to do more. "Thank you Azriel" Xander told him. And he really was thankful. He doesn't know where the sudden urge to kiss Azriel came from. He was fighting an internal battle inside to not kiss the daylights out of Azriel.

Rhysand looked between the two. Another unrequited mating bond. With none other than another Archeron. It seems that his family was tied to Archerons. He was happy for his brother. Truly. But he didn't know if his brother would accept that. Xander would have to fight tooth and nail if he wishes to accept the mating bond. Rhysand has no doubt that Xander would do everything in his power to make Azriel see that he deserve everything and more. Xander would love him with every fibre of his being.

"I will let Azriel know when the queens reply" Xander said. Not them. Azriel. He stood up from his seat. He kissed Elain in her cheeks and adjusted her hair. He was terrified. He was absolutely terrified to lose one more sister to pyrithian. He looked back at Feyre. He didn't want to fail again. Not again please. "We will see you" Rhysand said and made his way out of the room to give the siblings time.
Azriel felt like he could tear up armies with his own hands only for Xander. And he will. He will tear down every single soul who wish to harm his mate. Even though he never deserved him. With one last lingering look at Xander he left the room.

Xander huddled his sisters together. "I don't want to fail again" Xander said. His voice barely above a whisper. "You never failed Xander" Feyre consoled her brother. "I don't want to loose any of you" he whispered. "You all just started living your lives. Elain is going to get married. Nesta wants to see the continent. I need to make all of this true. I don't know what will happen if the war wears us down" he said in a voice which barely audible because how hard he was trying to choke his tears back. "We will survive this Xander. I promise we will" Elain said as Xander hugged his twin.

"I will see you soon" Feyre kissed her brother's cheek and bid him goodbye.

"We need to talk with Gavin" he told his sister as they all sat in the living room. "We will be with you" Nesta promised him. "He will be here in the evening" he informed them. "Go and get some rest" Nesta ordered her brother. "But the accounts needs to be reviewed before the next shipment arrives" he told his sister. "I will take care of that. Go" Nesta told him. He is not going to go around Nesta this time. He slumped in his bed. As soon as his head hit his pillow he drifted off to sleep.

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