Chapter 8: Honesty

Start from the beginning

Khushi nods, taken aback as Payal suddenly runs to hug her, stroking her hair in joy.

Arnav grins as Madhumati and Garima join the hug and Shashi looks on with tears in his eyes.

"Buaji, Aunty, I actually came today to ask you if I could take Khushi out for lunch,"

Khushi's jaw drops at his straightforward statement. Everyone else gapes at Arnav for a few moments. Garima and Madhumati glance at each other in surprise, Payal looks at Khushi curiously, Shashi smiles knowingly and Dr. Patel seems unaffected.

"Doctor, is that fine? I mean, is it safe?"

"Of course Arnav, Ms. Gupta is more than stable now to go out, as long as it doesn't include any physical activity other than walking. However if needed, you can always wear the leg braces I gave you, just in case you need the extra support,"

"But Doctor Saab-" Madhumati tries to reason, hand on her head.

"Madhumati ji, your niece is on her way to being completely healthy in just a few days. She will be alright, I assure you,"

This partly reassures her, and she places her hand on Khushi's cheek and nodding, silently permitting her to go. She turns to Arnav, "Take care of her babua,"

"Of course."


The entire car ride is spent in silence, and Khushi doesn't understand why. Is he angry? No, that can't be, because every time she glanced at him he was smiling, as if that smile was plastered to his face by now.

When they left her house she had stopped in front of the car looking worried and pale. "What if I trip and fall flat on my face?" She had said, despite being aware of the fact that she was wearing leg braces. Arnav had smirked, shaking his head. "Give me your hand," He replied, helping her sit on the front passenger seat, "You won't fall. And even if you do, you shouldn't be afraid of falling," He adjusted her seatbelt, his face dangerously close to hers, "Because you should know by now that I'll be there to catch you."

Since then they haven't said a word to each other, just exchanging glances here and there. Before Khushi can break the silence, Arnav turns and drives into the entrance of the restaurant. Parking the white SUV, he opens the door and helps her out of the car like a true gentleman. Khushi smiles to herself in awe, still unable to believe that this is the same man who once left her stranded in the middle of a road in rage. A lot has changed since then... for the better.

The walk inside the restaurant is somewhat awkward, her trying to keep up with his pace and him trying to slow down his habitual quick stride, for her. An employee attends them and Arnav asks for his reservation, after which they are promptly taken to the far end of the restaurant to a private booth. Soon after, a waiter leaves them to be alone after providing them with two menus and a hospitable smile.

They take a few moments to take in the ambience, the dim lighting, the soft tunes playing in the background, the proximity of their chairs. Everything feels heavily intimate, she realizes as she tries to look anywhere but at him, her cheeks heating with anticipation.


"Hmm?" She almost springs up at Arnav's voice, earning a light chuckle from his end.

"Do you feel fine? I mean, no discomfort or pain?"

"Yes. I mean, no, no discomfort at all. I mean, yes, I feel fine," Khushi slouches in her seat, closing her eyes in light embarrassment before talking to herself animatedly.

Arnav can't help but gaze at this wonderful girl sitting before him. This is his Khushi, the girl who's so full of life and who makes him laugh unknowingly. Not the girl who he saw suffer for months in a hospital bed. How he had spent those months without her this way, he still doesn't know.

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