I'm bound to him

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I stood between the two glass doors of the Cullen residence. I had been vistimg daily ever since Edward stopped returning my calls and texts. I really started to panic when he wasn't at school nor at his house. It felt like when he had left me all over again.

The relief I felt when I saw him standing at the doors. It felt like he was almost waiting for me. Till my eyes dropped to see he was holding hands with Jacob Black. To say this was confusing would be an understatement, but it wasn't as pressing as how mad I was at him.

'Edward?' I asked. 'Why haven't you been picking up your phone ?! I have been worried sick!' I ran my hand through my hair.

When his face filled with guilt I thought I'd ask about the other glaring issue. 'And Jacob. Why are you here?' Jacob stepped forward 'Bella listen. I need you to not freak out.  It's... a wolf thing.'

'What's a wolf thing' Now I was very confused. 'We have no control over it. I've told you about it before...' Jacob hesitated, almost dancing around what he really wanted to say. But it clicked in my head with out him needing to say more.

'No...' my eyes bulged as I looked between the two. 'That's... just- No! Edward's with me, he wouldn't' I began to back up, trying to reason with this new information. Theres no way, how is that even possible!

Edward walked towards me, sadness filled his black eyes. 'I'm sorry Bella.' Was all he said. 'No, Edward, please you can't do this to me again.' I felt tears burning behind my eyes. Edward simply apologised again and walked away, Jacob following.

My heart ached as I called after him, with no reply. He was going to disappear from my life again, and how was I supposed to live? I could feel the dark fog engulfing me again, just as it had when it left before. Before, I had Jacob to at least be there for me. But now Jacob had stolen away Edward and he had stolen Jacob.

Leaving me alone.

I'm not sure how I got back into my truck, driven to my house, walked up my stairs into my bedroom. That's where I found myself. Numb to the world. Numb to my dad talking to me, to my body aching after laying in one spot for hours, to the sun slowly making it's way down to its sunset.

I awoke to musty air filling my lungs. The cold clung to my skin and wet clothes hung from my body. My neck screamed after hanging to the side for so long. I tired to move but found my arms and legs were held. It was dark, with street lights in the distance and a shining moon from above providing little light.

'You're finally awake?' A familiar voice spoke. The cold dove to my bones as I strained my eyes to see a red headed girl walk towards me.

'Victoria?' I croaked. 

'Hello Bella' she approached with piecing red eyes.

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