The Threat

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At Haller Lake, Candy swung her fishing rod wildly in the air, telling her aunt about how this would be the day that she'd catch a fish. Much to Gemma's chagrin, she sighed and wondered why this child could not hold still for a moment.

Standing beside her, M3GAN observed her unbridled excitement and read how her Happiness was at one hundred. Her primary user was enjoying herself. The box was checked. Keep Cady happy and protect her at all costs from any threats or hazards.

She then twisted her robotic head at Gemma. Her eyes zoomed in on her face and evaluated her Anxiety level on her Emotional State, which kept fluctuating like a rollercoaster. It got higher whenever she'd make an analytical comment, yet it lowered when she remained silent. How interesting.

To test her theory, M3GAN offered advice to Cady. "Reel in your line, so your line is precisely fourteen inches from the rod tip, thus your chances of—"

"M3GAN," Gemma spoke firmly, her anxiety level increasing. "This is not a fishing tournament. Just let Cady have fun and allow her to cast her line in whatever direction she wants."

"Are you proficient at fishing, Gemma?"

"Uh?" Her face contorted in offense. "I may be no expert, but my dad used to take me fishing when I was little. We'd go on fishing trips every summer. So, I know a bit about it."

M3GAN doubted she caught any fish. "Noted."

"Gemma! Look! My bobber thing went under!" Cady squealed, reeling in her line too soon and ending up disappointed when nothing was attached to it. "Aw, nothing!"

Her aunt patted her on the shoulder. "It takes patience, Cady. Don't worry, just try again and wait a little longer before you reel in your line, okay?"

M3GAN activated her hyper focus and could perceive what was underwater. The outline of several fish was in view, and close enough for her primary user to catch one. "Toss your fishing rod to your left. I believe you will be more successful."

"M3GAN," Gemma reminded. "Let her decide."

Cady sensed the tension between them and didn't know whom to listen to, so she cast it again in the same direction. She was willing to wait longer if it meant getting her fish.

Gemma's phone then buzzed in her pocket. Nervously, she grabbed it and checked her texts. She turned her body away from M3GAN, as if to have some privacy and keep her messages hidden from her. It was a text from Tess, asking her if tomorrow would work for her.

She sent her a thumbs up emoji and quickly turned her phone off. M3GAN then gave her the side-eye, being aware of every one of her activities — public or private. "Anything important, Gemma?"

Cady shivered and glanced up at her aunt. "It's kinda cold. Can you get me my jacket from the car? I forgot it."

"Sure. You want your sandwich, too?" Gemma had packed them a lunch while M3GAN had hovered over her, questioning every selection of food and reminding her what was nutritious and what was not. God, she couldn't stand being scrutinized like that. It drove her up a wall.

"Yeah!" her niece smiled, wincing when she realized she jerked her fishing rod up too far.

M3GAN kept her eyes trained on Gemma, waiting for her to leave. "Go ahead. I will watch Cady."

Skeptical, she walked away and muttered under her breath, "Like hell you will."

While she was gone, M3GAN further analyzed the fish of the lake and encouraged Cady to recast her line. Everything was going fine until a girl around Cady's age approached them.
This girl wore a faded blue ball cap, Denim jeans, and a white t-shirt. She had freckles all over her cheeks. Unlike many redheads, this girl's hair wasn't fiery red. "Hey! Have you caught a fish yet?"

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