2. Half past midnight

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Saw last night episode 'Southbay part 1' and just felt that this should've been in the episode!

It is a short one, i hope you enjoy it! :)


Nikki was finishing up the paperwork from the case that she was working on today, she let out a small sigh as she thinks back to the case and how happy she was to finish it today. It was a small case but it took her longer than she thought.

She stood up and slowly starts to gather her belongings.

She heard her phone buzzing and glances at the caller ID, a smile appeared on her face when she see its Jack.

She picked it up and answers it.

"Hey! How was your speech?" She says cheerfully while turning off her desk light.

"Ah, it was okay. Look, uh, it might be a late one. I need to run Bill back to Southbay," Jack replies with a little hint of disappointment in his tone.

Nikki was now walking towards the exit of the Lyell.
'Can't he get a taxi?' She quizzes while walking out of the doors.

"No, it's complicated," Jack replies.

"Okay. Well, i love you. Be safe."

"Love you too. Bye."

Nikki smiles a little and made her way downstairs, she left the building and got in her car. She drove directly to now their home.
It was weird thinking about it, she just moved in but it still felt weird calling it their home, the smile on her face never left her face, it was their house now.

She pulls up at their driveway and got out the car and locks it. She grabs her keys and unlocks the front door, she pulls off her coat and hung it on the coat rack together with er bag.

She walks to the livingroom and notices Cara sitting on the couch watching TV.
Cara looks at Nikki, she smiles with a friendly wave, Nikki returns the smile and walks towards the couch.

'How was your day at the university?' Nikki signs.

Cara smiles. 'It was good, had alot of fun.'

'Great.' Nikki smiles.

'When will Jack be back?' Cara signs.

'He just called me, it will be late one tonight.'

'Poor Jack.' Cara signs while smirking.

Nikki smirks with a laugh. She looks at the clock which read 10 PM, she glances over at Cara again and signs. 'I'm going upstairs, take a quick shower and head to bed.'

Cara smiles and signs 'Okay, goodnight.'

'You too, don't make it late. Otherwise Jack will blame me.' Nikki winks and heads upstairs.

Cara laughs and focuses back on the television.


Jack finally pulls up at his driveway. he sighs and looks at the clock in his car, it was almost half past midnight. He sighs, "This will be a short night." He mumbled to himself.

He got out of the car and locks it, he walks to his front door and unlocked it.

He immediately took off his coat and shoes and heads directly upstairs to the bedroom.

He smiles when he sees Nikki curled up on her side sleeping peacefully. He got to his side of the bed and strips out of his tuxedo only leaving his boxers on, he slowly climbed into their bed and slowly scooted over to the middle of the bed.

Wrapping his arm around Nikki's bare chest and slowly pulled her towards himself until chest felt her bare back against him. He buries his face in the crook of her neck and inhales her strawberry shampoo scent.

Nikki slowly stirs awake and smiles when she felt his strong arm around her.

"Hey you." She mumbles.

'Hi to you too.'

'What time is it?' Nikki whispers

'Half past midnight.'

Nikki groans slightly.

"Sorry that i woke you up," He says while kissing her on the cheek, he pulls her even closer in his chest.

"Mmm don't worry, i don't mind waking up in your arms."

He smiles and slowly kisses her jawline. 'Get used to it, love.' He says in between the little kisses.
When he heard Nikki enjoying it he went further down and was now leaving kisses on her neck and shoulder.

"Mmm.. Jack, we can't right now." Nikki hates that she needed to stop him, but she knew their alarm would be going off in about 5 hours and Jack really needed his rest.

'Niks, come on.'


'Nikkiii, plea-'


Jack groaned and tightens his grip around Nikki.

Nikki just laughed and made herself comfortable in his arms.

'The alarm will go off in less then 5 hours babe, you need your rest otherwise you'll be cranky all day, and who had to witness that? Yes, me.'

Jack chuckles in her neck. 'Ugh, you're right.'

'I always am.' Nikki giggles.

'Hmm yes you are.' He kisses her cheek one more time. 'Goodnight gorgeous.'

'Goodnight handsome. I love you.' Nikki said while stroking his arm that was around her.

'I love you too.' Jack smiled and slowly felt his eyes shut.

'I love you more.' Nikki let out while also felt the sleep overtake her.

'Not possible.' Jack let out silently before falling asleep with Nikki in his arms.

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