1. The right ending of ''Nights of Darkness'

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Cara just came back from saying goodbye to her mother, she was relieved that her mother finally left. She loves her mother but she was happier with her uncle Jack.

Walking into the offices she saw Jack sitting at his desk, with his head in his hands.
Cara sighs and walks up to him to tap him on the shoulder.

Jack looks up at his niece and gives her a small smile.

'Are you okay?' Signs Cara.

'I think so.' signs Jack back mouthing the words too.

'Where is Nikki?' Cara quizzes
Jack shrugs and sighs.

'I think she is in the lockerroom, this whole situation was hard for her aswell.' Signs Jack

Cara nods, she could feel someone approaching them and looked up to see Nikki walking towards them, she gave Cara a small smile, Cara smiles back, she walks out to give Jack and Nikki some privacy.

Nikki sits at her desk, she could feel Jack's eyes on her, she glances up and met his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"I'm fine Jack, just wanted to give you all the space to talk," Nikki replies with a small smile.

"I'm sorry for putting you trough this, i should've kicked her out of my house sooner."

"You don't have to apologize to me Jack, she is family and you did the right thing."
Nikki quickly types something on her computer before shutting it off and stands up to collect her things.

Jack also stands up and walks towards Nikki and leans on her desk.

"I do have to apologize, i didn't show you any respect this past week."
Jack grabs Nikki's hand and looks in her eye.

"It's okay Jack, i'm fine. We're fine," Nikki smiles and looks around them to check if they were alone.

Unfortunately she saw Gabriel and Velvy walking in the hallway towards them, she sighs and pulls her hand back from Jack's.

"Velvy and i are going to the pub, care to join us?" Gabriel quizzes, while walking towards Jack and Nikki. He felt there was a slights tension between the pair but choose to ignore it.

"Thanks for the offer Gabriel, but i'm heading home, need to sort out a few things," Nikki says while standing up, collecting her coat and handbag.

"That's fine, another time then," He smiles at Nikki and looks at Jack. "What about you?"

"I'm also going to pass, i think Cara and i are going to have a little movie night to celebrate we are finally alone," Jack chuckles.

Gabriel shook his head and let out a small laugh. "Okay, then i guess we'll see you back on Monday?" Jack and Nikki both nodding their heads.

They all say their goodbyes, Gabriel and Velvy walk out the Lyell together.

"You can join us you know? For movie night," Jack says, walking to his desk to grab his coat that was hanging around his desk chair.

"Tempting, but no. I really have to do some things at my place," Nikki responds.

"Okay, i understand," Jack sighs. He walks up to her once more and slowly bend over,
"I was just looking forward to having you next to me tonight, not only on the couch but also in my bed," He whispers in her ear.

Nikki felt the goosebumps growing on her whole body.
"M-me too, b-but i really need to go. I'll text you, okay?"Nikki tries her best not to give in, but she knew she should go to her house and sort things out.

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