Our Maleficent meets our princess

Start from the beginning

"That's true," Susan said carelessly before realizing what she said. The Pevensie girl blushed profoundly while the other girl laughed boisterously. Susan apologized again but Rory brushed her off, not minding her comment one bit. After a while Susan joined her and laughed too.

Once their giggles ceased, the girls sat in a comfortable silence.

"Can I ask you something?" Rory questioned before babbling, "You don't have to answer really and if you do I promise I won't tell. Hell, I will never bring up this incident ever again whether you answer or not."

"Ask away," Susan interrupted, realizing that the Browning girl could go on and on  without taking a breath.

"Oh," Rory said surprised, " I just. Why? I know Macready kinda hates me and with reason. And I know I'm not that well behaved but I was never mean to you or your siblings. Or well I tried, if it did look like that I'm really sorry."

"No it had nothing to do with you," Susan admitted, " I was jealous. You bonded really well with my family and I have a hard time connecting with any of them. To them I'm just their annoying know-it-all sister and you were this cool funny girl in a matter of days."

"Well I know for a fact that they all love you," Rory said gently, " They all think of you very highly, and they should because I heard you are brilliant. And you might resent your role as the smart one in the family but they do need a little humbling every once in a while."

Susan opened and closed her mouth, speechless. After a while, she unexpectedly engulfed the other girl in a hug. Rory stumbled but hugged her back tightly.

"Now, c'mon get ready," Susan ordered once they separated, "We are meeting Edmund today."

Rory mock saluted her as Susan walked out of the tent. The Browning girl got ready quickly and followed her.  Outside of her tent, Lucy , Peter and Susan were all staring at something from the distance. The princess followed their gaze to the top of the cliff: It was  Aslan and Edmund deep in conversation.

"Edmund!" Lucy yelled excitedly as she tried to run towards him. Peter gently grabbed her arm to stop her from interrupting. Edmund turned at the sound of his sister's voice but looked back to Aslan. It seemed like the conversation was over since the both of them climbed down and walked towards the humans.

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past," Aslan reminded the kids before walking away. 

" Hello," Edmund said quietly, avoiding everyone's eyes. The sisters didn't really care as they both hugged him tightly. For the first time in months, Edmund sabored the embrace instead of dreading him.  Once the sisters released him, the Browning girl raised her eyebrows impishly.

"Oh wow," Rory said, "Rough day?"

"I was in captivity," Edmund quipped in with a small smile, "what's your excuse?"

The Browning girl laughed at his retort relieved that there was still a bit of humor in him despite whatever torture he endured. Rory hugged him shortly, trying her best to not smother him.

"Are you all right?" Susan asked.

"I'm a little tired," Edmund admitted.

Peter, who had only been watching the scene, had finally decided to say something.

" Get some sleep," the blonde boy ordered.

Edmund looked disappointed at his brother's response to his arrival but said nothing. He began walking away towards his tent.

Rory noticed that Peter was once again trying to act like a parent instead of a relieved brother, his preferred coping mechanism. The Browning girl knew that words were not what Peter needed at the moment so she elbowed him on the ribs.

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