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I woke up with a pain in my stomach and I realized I was alone in our hut

Tonowari and Ronal are probably doing there duties Ronal refused for me to do any hunting or anything that can lead to stress I suppose!

I got up struggling and walked along the shore i seen Tonowari teaching Jake sully how to ride

"Perhaps you start with an ilu?" Tonowari questioned the sully
"Nope this one"jake said

I walked into the water and dived under since they were pretty far away Tonowari was with his friends they were holding a tsurark

I was struggling a little bit I couldn't hold my breath for as long as I used to

I raised for air as Tonowaris friends pointed towards me.

Tonowari swam up to support my waist as I leaned into his chest,I swam to his back to lean on him as he reached the forest lad how to ride it was painful to watch but then again I just rested

Later on we were still in the ocean I got to tired to stay afloat

Tonowari came towards me and put me on his tsurak while they were training.

I woke up to jake still trying to master the tsurak

"Your doing it wrong lads" I spoke up

"Maybe actually be gentle with the creature for starters" I whispered

"Show us then" jake pointed to the tsurak

I got off Tonowaris Tsurak

"My love maybe you shouldn't" Tonowari said in a low voice I could barely hear it

"I'll be fine my dear"

I swam towards Jake's tsurak it was gentle
I motioned jake to come forward he got on the creature and I put his legs in a good position.

"Hold here" I put his right hand on the handle

"When he goes up get yourself in a good position before you dive back under rember be calm it can sence fear" I explained to the forest man

Tonowari went to take me back to the shore on his tsurak

"Love..." I whispered

"Mhm" he mumbled

"My stomach aches" I mumbled

"Oh my love go find ronal and ask for help my dear"" he said

I didn't get to say another word and he was off I walked along the beach still having the pain in my stomach I went to sit down near the forest as I felt something or someone grab me...
A/N :so sorry for the cliffhanger its gunna get exciting better wait until tomorrow Las see you baes


~Tonowari/Ronal~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant