sullys arriving

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I was out hunting for my family with my skimwing when I heard the horn blow back at home

I swam back home home with a deep wound on my thigh from getting pushed into a rock by a submarine from the sky people

I hissed when the cold salty water touched the gash

I swam back home wasting no time to get the pain over with and deal with ronal being angry at me for injuring my self once more,ah yes I was also with child at the time.witch lead to me getting murdered when I get back home

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I arrived back at our shores seeing our people and 7 dark blue na'vi I heard cheers from the people the father of what I assume picked up the little girl

Ronal and Tonowari pushed past the sullys of what I heard they were called

Ronal slapped my cheek gentle but it hurt at the same time

"Where were you!?" She hissed
"Out hunting.." I whispered

She slapped my head once again when Tonowari came up he kissed your cheek,i shut my eyes

"Mrs Amiryat I introduce you to my fami-" I stopped him from speaking

You circled the family and grabbed the mothers tail as she hissed

I hissed back as Tonowari grabbed my arm and took me back to our hut to clean the wound up

I fell asleep sat on Tonowaris lap snuggling into his hard chest while he massaged my back.

A/N : sorry it's a short one las it's because I dont have any energy to do so the next one will roughly be about the same if not then longer bye bars xx

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