Rules when taking care of Alex (RP info)

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Basically Eddsworld characters taking care of Alex while Sydney is at work or something (rp idea):

Rule 1: Don't touch Alex without his permission, be warned, there will be major consequences
• Getting scratched or hissed at is lucky, his bite is something you should definitely keep an eye on as he has sharp teeth.

Rule 2: Respect his space, sometimes he likes to be alone. Do not force Alex into a conversation. Alex has social anxiety and would rather only chat with close friends and family.
• He talks very rarely and doesn't talk unless spoken to. He nods and shakes his head in responses.

Rule 3: After Alex wakes from a nightmare, peek into his bedroom, if he is still asleep, do NOT enter his room. His defensive instincts will kick in the second his curse senses danger. If he calls out help, and is still asleep or has his eyes closed, also don't enter, that's just the beast inside trying to trick you. Wait outside his door until he calls out your name or until he's fully awake.

Rule 4: Alex sometimes naps in the fridge, it's normal for him, just get your food without waking him up. He gets cranky and moody when he's woken up so just be warned for a small 13 year old being sassy.

Rule 5: Try not to get him angry or stressed out, intense emotions can feed the curse.

Rule 6: Check in with Sydney regularly, Alex gets worried if she's away for too long. This can raise Alex's stress. If she's at work, she will call later after her shift or if she's on break. But if she's taking longer than usual, like getting groceries for example, check in with her to calm Alex.

Extra facts & other stuff about my OC's (for Roleplays)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें