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"You won't remember this. You won't remember me." She whispered to Khai, as he just nodded, blinking as he looked at her weirdly, before turning back to his friends.

She held one hand over the other, covering the abomination which was her skin. What was wrong with her? It didn't make any sense.
What had she become in the past month?

Why couldn't she remember anything before then?

No, she remembered something, the crashing of waves and the feeling of saltwater clogging her throat.

"Come on {:$/&.7djsj}, get in the water, it feels amazing!" A lady called, as the girl laughed, following her in.

They swam out deep, so that their feet were no longer touching the floor.
The lady jokingly dunked the girls head under the water as she rose to the surface, spluttering to get the water out of her lungs.

"You're so mean sis! I could've drowned!" She whined, as the lady, her sister, laughed.
"You're a good swimmer, {{^*\.£]+|}! I know you won't drown. Anyways, I'm swimming back into the shore, follow me." She said, but then a cave in the rocks beside her caught her eye as she swam over.

The girl followed her happily, splashing along. She heard a voice whispering to her as she turned as quick as she could in the water.

"Why did that sound like Felix.. get a grip, {:$37:73}, he's an idol, clearly he's not at this beach." She whispered to herself as she followed her sister back to the cave.

But her sister was gone, as she looked around her in the vast ocean.

"Sis?" She called out, before she felt a tug at her ankles, and was pulled into the deep blue.

Music pounded in her ears as the girl wiped the salt water from her lips that had dribbled out, a reminder of her drowning - but nothing made sense.
Even then, the sound of the music couldn't cover the pumping of the nearby people's blood, the racing of their heart, and the vibrations of their vocal cords as they screamed.

Why was she still hungry?

The girl bit at her own hand instead, eating the scales off. They tasted disgusting, but they would have to do.

She couldn't hurt anyone anymore.

"Are you kidding me? She's front row? Again? I don't know if I can do this, guys." Felix said, as Chan just sighed, taking a glass of the crimson liquid and downing it as his hair looked healthier, and the creases by his eyes lessened.

"You can do this, Felix, don't worry. And if you can't, just run backstage. We'll make up an excuse for STAY's." Chan said, as Felix just nodded, adjusting his ear piece and fixing his shirt.
The others did the same, as they waited for the cue.

The music droned out as slowly they rose up onto the stage. Felix sensed her presence straight away, as he felt himself overwhelmed and dizzy, but he tried his best to ignore it, resuming his position at the back of the group.

Then the concert started.

The girl had to avoid looking up, as she felt herself sucking the life from Lee Felix.
Why did that happen? It was like the music show all over again, but 10 times worse. She didn't want to hurt him, no.
She loved him, so she couldn't do this to him.

They would hate her for it, so, so much.

It was as if she turned something off inside her, as instead of this surge of power, weakness filled her very core.

He was draining her. Good. That was better.

She would happily die for him. Well, she already had, hadn't she?

The girl thrashed in the water, trying to catch her breath as water rushed into her lungs, and as she was dragged in deeper all she could do was breath in that salty liquid.

Her eyes tried adjusting to the dark, as they locked with his.

"F:;l))x?" She mumbled out, muted by the last bubbles of air that escaped her lungs. They burnt, she was in agony as her body convulsed, but Felix just grinned at her, as he sunk her teeth into her neck.

It was as if the world was glitching, as she blinked rapidly what she thought was Felix turned into a scaled creature, similar of that to a fish, but in the shape of a human.

The more it took from her, the more human it became, and as she felt her body sink into the depths, it grinned at her, with her face, and floated to the surface.

Whilst she sunk.

She started spluttering, salt water flowering from her lungs as she quickly rushed from her seat to the bathrooms, as she heaved, murky, dirty, salty water flowing out of her, like a stream of blood.
She was gasping for air. What was happening?

She stared at herself in the mirror. What was she? She didn't look like herself. Scales littered her cheeks.
She looked like the creature that drowned her.

So she had died. She was dead.

Now she was something. Something that could control people.
Something that lived off of human flesh.

Bang Chan waved out to the crowd, laughing as they went off for an outfit change.

"She ran off. Right as I was about to kill her." Felix scowled, before looking at the make up artist who came over at the nod of his head, under a trance as she held out her arm for him, he grabbed her wrist, drinking right from her.

Changbin grabbed Felix. "You'll get another opportunity. I have an idea. You can't keep running into her at these concerts."

"I know. I need the upper hand- hey, do you reckon we could get her ticket information. That'll give me a name and address. I'll give that monster a visit and end her with my own two hands." Felix grinned, as he pulled away from the girl in front of him, licking the excess blood from her wrist.

They quickly got changed, and then went back out on stage.

She didn't appear again, because she was hiding in the bathroom, coughing, spluttering.

Dying all over again.

Or at least, that's what it felt like.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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