Chapter 10

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As the group slept, nobody noticed the mysterious figure stealing everything they had. All that food, items, and everything else that could be taken.

The next morning:
Crystal: Gasp* Where is my stuff?!
Lazuli: Mine is gone too!
Black: What the-
Kai: NO! The stones!!!
Speed: The stones are gone?!
Kai: Yes!
Drake: How could this have- oh hey look!
The group looked to where Drake was pointing to find paw prints leading towards the city.
Speed: Hey flare, you have infrared vision, right?
Flare: I think so?
Speed: Great, well your up brother!
Flare: <I'm finally helping!>
Flare's eyes switch to his "infected" form and the group follows Flare across the city to a dock. It's filled with many different boats.
Flare: The tracks lead to this one!

(Yeah, it was being stupid when I was uploading stuff. But here is the url!)

Speed: It's huge!!!
Lazuli: Like your-

Take 2:Lazuli: Like our house!Kai: I don't think we will have much time to find them

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Take 2:
Lazuli: Like our house!
Kai: I don't think we will have much time to find them.
Flare: Lets look when we get off the boat.

On the boat:
The whole group was enjoying themselves. Leafy and Crystal were swimming in the nearby pool with a bunch of water slides; Pearl, Black, and lily are sun bathing, Speed, Turbo, Drake, and Lazuli are at the arcade, and the rest of them are doing many forms of gambling. Slot machines, poker, black jack, roulette, etc. There was also much drinking, so when they got off the boat, they were not exactly in the proper shape to go searching for a thief. But, they tried to anyways.
Speed: Look, there is a robber!!!
Kai: No, that's a costume. Wait, is it?
Carter: It's not even close to Halloween! More like valentines day. Ugh, boo...
Lily: 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂.
Kai: Hey, over there!
A shady shape moved into a deep alleyway with Flares bag!
Speed: How do we know its fla-

Kai: Hey, over there!A shady shape moved into a deep alleyway with Flares bag!Speed: How do we know its fla-

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Speed: Oh. Yeah, I can see that now.
Carter: Lets go!
Kai: Carter, wait!
Carter leapt into the alleyway.
Carter: Huh?
???: Hyah!
BAM! Carter was knocked to the ground.
Carter: Oof.
??? Why are you following me?

??? Why are you following me?

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On top of him, was this. It had its sharp tail inches from his neck.
Carter: Um, well... I-
Speed: Hey! Step away from him!
In the edge of the alleyway, was the rest of the group.
???: Grrrr...
Carter: Heh, see ya.
Carter then used shadow sneak to evade her positioning.
???: What-
Drake: Well, now your gonna give us our stuff.
He began to charge up a hyper beam until...
Kai: Wait! We need her alive.
Lazuli: Huh?
Kai: There is more to the prophecy than I thought. I may have skimmed it and all I saw was: Dragon... 4... stones... temples... But I guess it said it was a dragon type eeveelution, along with the rest to gain mega stones.
Speed: Wow.
???: I don't know if I want to listen to random people. Oh wait, I do.
Kai: You could be saving millions, even billions of lives. Plus, look at what you are having to do to survive. If this keeps up-
???: Okay, okay. No need to shame me.
Silvia: Yeah!!!
Kai: Lets see: we still need fighting, bug, steel, and normal.
Carter: Well, lets do this then.
???: Well if we're going to work together, my name is Shade.
Carter: Nice to meet you Shade.
He gives her a kind shake on the paw.
Shade: Yeah, you too... I guess.
Carter: <She seems nice.>
Shade: <He's too trusting.>
Speed: Are you too just gonna keep standing there or...
Carter: Right.
Shade: 0///0.
As they walked through the city, there was much to see. Although, they then realized something...
Kai: Hey, where are we?
Shade: Well, since you followed me, I was trying to go to the Johto region. But I sensed you on my trail, so I backtracked to my hometown: Kalos.
Carter: Kalos? Isn't this the place of romance?
Lily: Oh, cheer up Carter. There pokepuffs are delicious.
Speed: Can't argue with that.
The group heads over to a shop called "The slurpuff delight". They walk in to find an environment similar to this:

 They walk in to find an environment similar to this:

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Lazuli: Wow, it's so fancy in here.
Slurpuff: Hi, what can I get for you?
Speed: Well take your finest puffs. Surprise us!
Slurpuff: You got it!
When slurpuff came back with thepuffs, everyone sat down and enjoyed.
All of them: Mmmmmmm.
As they ate, Shade shared a glance with Carter.
Carter: :)
Shade: ...
They all walked out of the bakery and started on their way to saffron city. They all had been having a great time, thinking about what lies ahead of them next.

(Hey guys, I just want to thank everyone who is reading my book. It means the world to me. Oh, and shout out to Rainbow_Eevee. They were the first to comment on my book and they helped me out alot. So, Thanks. And don't forget to check in on my book Valentines day. I'm making a special chapter to celebrate.)

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