Luffy's Past! - The Red-Haired Shanks Appears!

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Water...water...more water. That was all I could see. We had been floating for days in the ocean getting absolutely nowhere. Just drifting and sailing where the current takes us. I was in serious need of food. How did I get in this again?

"Why did I even join this crew again?", I lamented laying lazily craving food. Zoro just turned to me and shrugged showing he was thinking the same thing. "I'm hungry...", Luffy complained ignoring us. He was laying lazily over the boat's sides, his arms wading in the water. "Aren't we all?", I mumbled.

"When will we reach land?", Zoro whined. "Who knows...we go where the wind and sea takes us. Will we reach land?", Luffy threw Zoro's question back at him lazily. "Well, I'm sure we will...someday...", Luffy answered himself. Zoro and I immediately jerked up after his speech.

"Isn't it strange?", Zoro began. "What?", Luffy asked. "That you want to become the Pirate King and yet you don't have any navigation skills", I answered slightly raising my voice, slightly. "It's not strange, I just drift in the sea", Luffy answered still hanging over the side of the boat opposite Zoro and I. "You too...aren't you a Pirate Hunter of the sea?", Luffy asked turning his head towards Zoro.

"He makes a solid point", I said turning to raise an eyebrow at Zoro as well. "I don't recall ever being a Pirate Hunter", he answered simply. He sighed before looking up at the sky and continuing, "I went out to sea looking for a man, but I got lost and couldn't return to my village. I had no choice but to hunt pirates for the reward" I was surprised at this. He never wanted to be the feared Pirate Hunter Zoro?

"What, so you were just lost", Luffy said turning his attention back to the sea. "Don't say it like that!", Zoro thundered rocking the boat. At the sudden movement, Luffy's hat flew off his head and was being carried off by the wind. Luffy's face immediately changed to a mix of shock, disbelief, worry and concern. Zoro seemed to have realized his mistake as well. My eyes went wide as well because I sorta knew how important that straw hat was to Luffy.

Luffy mumbled something though I couldn't hear it as Zoro's face switched to a look of being unfazed and determined. I just wanted to get the hat back for Luffy. Luffy looked like he was lost in thought. But then, the hat flew over the sail and was getting almost out of reach. We all got up and ran for it. Zoro reached out and managed to grab it. We all let out sighs of relief as Zoro handed the hat back to Luffy.

We all then sat back down and Luffy held the hat in his hands as he crossed his legs and stared at the hat in silence as if he was meditating. He was lost in thought again. "Why do you reckon that hat is so special to him?", I asked Zoro. "Hmm, it could be someone gave it to him like me with Enma", he answered. "Enma?", I asked confused. He lifted up his white sword and answered, "My favorite and most powerful sword".

I watched as it shone in the sunlight. I was so intrigued. I had always loved swords growing up. Not just fighting with them, but the craftsmanship, design and elegance of a sword fascinated me. "Wow", I managed to get out. "It was a gift from a girl named Ryuma. She traded me this sword to keep another sword as the last prized artifact in her town", he said re-sheathing the sword. "Interesting", I said fascinated. "It can cut through anything", he stated. My eyes sauntered over to my swords and he seemed to have noticed.

"So, you're a swordswoman?", he asked. "Yeah", I answered simply. "First one I've ever met" "But my swords are nothing compared to yours", I admitted. "Hmm, let's start off simple. Do they have names?", he asked. "Ember and Wave. Ember is golden and Wave is silver" "I thought you said there was nothing special about them. You don't even know your own power", he said lightly shaking his head.

"Huh?", I asked confused. "I've heard of those swords. Twin swords, Ember and Wave, crafted specially by an ancient blacksmith and gifted with the power of lightning speed", he said. "Lightning speed?! So, how come it's never shown that power for me?", I exclaimed. "Because you need to master it. I can help you if you want, that is, when we get off this wretched boat", he offered. "Offer accepted. The sooner I unlock that power, the closer I get to my goal", I admitted looking at the sky.

We both stared at the sky for a moment before I finally broke the silence, "Hey, should we snap him out of that trance? He seems to get lost in thought a lot" Zoro nodded and then spoke to Luffy who was still sitting in the exact same position. "Hey, if you keep spacing out, you'll drop it again. It's very important, right?", he informed Luffy snapping him back to his senses. "Yeah. Thank you, Zoro and thanks for your effort, Alpha. I have a good crew", Luffy answered slapping the hat back on his head. I just smiled at him to show 'You're welcome'.

Zoro stretched before stating once again, "I'm hungry!" Though, I had to agree with him. "Same here", I admitted. Luffy stared at us for a while before looking up and seeing a bird flying high in the sky. What was this crazy boy thinking? "A bird, eh...", Zoro said. "Let's eat...that bird!", Luffy suddenly shouted as if a light bulb had just clicked in his head.

"How?", I asked. "Leave it to me", he said as Zoro and I exchanged doubtful glances. "Gomu Gomu No Rocket!", he yelled doing his special move catapulting himself to the bird in the sky. Zoro and I just watched him before Zoro calmly said, "I see..." I just chuckled at Luffy. Then, there was a popping sound and a short squeal from Luffy. The bird had caught Luffy's head in its beak. I just cracked up laughing as Luffy shouted, "Help me!" while being flown away....while being flown away?!

"You dumbass, what are you doing?!", Zoro yelled angrily as we both paddled quickly trying to catch up with him. "You idiot, that's not how to catch a bird!", I yelled as well still paddling. We kept paddling till we heard a voice shouting, "Hey! Please stop! You on the boat, stop!", I couldn't see any ship but then I saw three men in the ocean waving for help. There was no way we could stop the boat right now. " a time like this...", Zoro muttered pissed off.

"I'm not stopping the boat, just jump on", he shouted at them. Smart move, I must say. "What?!", the men exclaimed in fear before holding on to the boat while we zipped past at what seemed like lightning speed. I kept my eyes on Luffy not even paying attention to the three men on the boat. "You actually got on", Zoro said a little giddy and unbelieving. "Are you trying to kill us?!", the men shouted at us. "We don't actually know you, so...", I said trailing off at the last part to keep my eyes on the boy in a bird's beak.

The next thing I heard was the drawing of a sword. "Hey, stop this boat. We're the crew of Buggy the Clown. We're taking over this ship", one voice said. I had certainly never heard of this guy. I just snapped my head towards them coincidentally at the same time Zoro did. Five minutes later, the three men were rowing the boat with bruises everywhere. "Who would've thought that you were the famous Pirate Hunter Zoro and his new comrade, Alpharetta Ontario! Pease, forgive us!", they laughed nervously. I just rolled my eyes.

"Because of you, we lost sight of our friend. Anyways, just keep rowing straight", Zoro stated clearly equally not amused. The men made a sound in response to the command. "That Luffy should be able to take care of himself if he gets on land", Zoro said to me staring at the sky trying to catch sight of Luffy. "He'll probably get into trouble while he's there, so, we should prepare ourselves", I stated. Zoro chuckled lightly at my joke before responding, "You're probably right"

The three men started talking about what they would tell their captain, Buggy and I was honestly already sick of hearing this name. Zoro sighed tiredly as well before asking, "Who is this Buggy you're talking about?" I looked at the men waiting for an answer. "You don't know anything about Buggy the Clown?", one asked in disbelief. "He don't know me so, why should I know him?", I asked nonchalantly. "Never heard of him either", Zoro replied in the same nonchalant tone.

The main pirate then began speaking, "He's the captain of our pirate gang. With the strength of the Devil's Fruit, he is one of a kind" "So, what, my captain has the strength of the Devil's Fruit too. What makes him so special?", I interrupted. "In any case, he is a very fearsome man", the pirate finished. Zoro and I just exchanged glances and almost as if reading each other's minds said simultaneously, "What a joke"




A/N: Third chapter – 1, 588 words. This was the shortest chapter because the episode focused mainly on what was happening in Luffy's mind. Either way, Alpha and Zoro have finally had a chance to talk separately and Zoro has agreed to train her once they get a chance on land. How will it go? I wrote this chapter by 11p.m. too so please, appreciate it too. Goodbye, my MadaLovers!

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