Morgan vs. Luffy - Who's This Beautiful Young Girl?

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"Say what now?", I asked. Did he just say he was going to become the Pirate King?! What a delusional wackadoodle!

(A/N: I just quoted Parker from Liv and Maddie. If you haven't, you should check that show out)

"W-What?", Zoro managed to stutter. "Become the Pirate King?! Do you understand what you're saying?", he finally said. "The Pirate King is the Pirate King...What else could it mean?", Luffy said obliviously. I just rolled my eyes again.

Marine Captain Morgan just groaned in surprised while the Marines stared in shock. "I was surprised too but Luffy-san is serious. That's the kind of person he is! He will become the Pirate King and find the ultimate treasure, One Piece!", the pinkette chimed happily while Zoro turned to look at him. I just scoffed not believing that this kid would become the Pirate King. Luffy just smiled a gummy smile and laughed a little.

"Here, your sword. Which one is it? I couldn't tell, so I grabbed all five", Luffy said holding the swords towards Zoro. "Three are mine – the white one and the black ones. I use three swords", he simply answered. "And the other two are mine – the gold and silver. I'm a two-sword girl", I chimed in as they turned to look at me. Luffy drew back for a moment in surprise and confusion before holding the swords back in front of us. "You'll take them, right? But if we fight together, you'll owe me. Being killed by Marines or coming with me...which one do you pick?", he asked mischievously.

"You're the son of the devil! Fine! I'd rather be a pirate than die here!", Zoro said smirking. "Woah, you're not as innocent as I thought", I commented smirking as well. "Great! You'll be my comrade! Alright! This is perfect!", Luffy rejoiced throwing his arms up in the air and doing a little dance with the swords. "I get it, now, set me free", Zoro barked at him annoyed. The Marines and Captain Morgan started discussing something though I couldn't hear them while Luffy started trying to untie Zoro.

"Umm, hurry", the pinkette pushed on. "Hey, while he's doing that, could you untie me?", I asked the pinkette. "Of course!", he answered and ran over and started trying to untie me. "I can't untie this knot", Luffy said tugging at the knot. "Me too. They're too tight", the pinkette added tugging at my ropes. Those Marines weren't playing around when they tied us up. "Stop screwing around!", Zoro yelled at Luffy. "Try harder, pinky!", I yelled at the pink-haired boy.

Suddenly, Marine Captain Morgan yelled, "If guns don't work, cut them to pieces!" The Marines cheered in agreement before running towards us with all their swords out. "It's no use. I can't get them loose", the pinkette admitted. "That's weird. The knots are getting tighter", Luffy said rubbing the back of his head. "Hurry up and give me my swords!", Zoro yelled at him almost blowing his top. The Marines were just approaching us as the pinkette shouted in fear, "Luffy-san!" The boy turned around in confusion and I managed to get myself loose of the ropes after pinkette had softened them.

Slash! The next moment, Zoro and I had clashed swords with the Marines as it seemed he had gotten free too. I wasn't going to lie. Fighting off bad guys with my idol felt awesome! "Roronoa Zoro, Alpharetta Ontario", Captain Morgan said in a low voice. I had really gotten popular for my disobedience here. "Whoa! So cool!", Luffy said in excitement while the pinkette could only gape in amazement. The Marines looked up in disbelief. "Make one move and you're dead!", Zoro said. "Try to strike and you're dead!", I added. The Marines started crying in fear. "I'm so scared!", one cried.

"I promised to be a pirate. Opposing the Marines will make me a wanted man", Zoro started. "Been there, done that", I said quietly but he heard me. He smirked at me before continuing, "However, I will tell you one thing. I will always follow my own ambitions!", he finished. I smiled at his determination. I really loved determined people. They gave me hope. "Ambitions?", Luffy and I asked at the same time but mine was in a more curious and dreamy way while Luffy's was in confusion.

Five Swords (Zoro X OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin