There laid another person

This person had no defining features noteworthy except for the scraps of cloth and what looked to be a blanket that some color that wasn't black. The longer looked the he realized that the person wasn't a person but rather a corpse. And not just any corpse but the corpse of a hero, a low ranking one but a hero none the less. And now that he looked he can actually recognize the hero.

She was the Novice Level Heroine: Flicky

Flicky was an upcoming hero whose quirk allowed he to have bird-like wings for arms and talons for legs ,who was also making a name for herself a while back after parting ways from being the sidekick of the Number 3 Pro Level Hero: Hawks. But sadly she bit off more than she could chew as she met her end to the man with the blue flames.

The boy felt many things when looking as well as smelling the aroma of charred human flesh: fear, sadness, disgust, and many other feelings. But among those feelings one stuck out the most, something that made him think that something was wrong with him as this primal instinct began to take over him, his mouth watering. His stomach growled louder than ever before as he slowly walked towards the corpse. Can you blame the boy for what he did next? He couldn't help after all...

...He was starving...

As he took a bite from the corpse he was expecting it to taste awful but rather it didn't taste awful. A part of his psyche was begging and screaming at himself to stop not because of the fact he is eating a corpse of a human but rather because of the taste of it for it was a taste he has never tasted before. A taste that rolled of the tongue and melted in his mouth, a taste so special and unique that he couldn't help but take another bite...and another...and another. Soon the boy was devouring the cadaver as his guilt was being washed away by the euphoria that this divine flavor of the...of the...

Of the meal that was cooked and prepped to perfection

This taste...this flavor...IT WAS JUST TOO ADDICTING!!!

As these thoughts flooded the boy's mind he failed to notice that he was changing. He was not as malnourished as he looked prior to earlier, his skin a dark red, his hair now practically black, his eyes were completely black as well,  his bloodstained teeth were rather sharp, his lips and the inside of his mouth were as black as his eyes and hair. If there was something this boy knew was that everytime he swallowed his meal he would feel stronger.

Sometime passes as we see flashing blue and red lights as well as some heroes, cops, and detectives overlooking the alleyway. The boy wasn't there all that remained to prove that someone was here was the charred walls, the large spatter of blood, and the bones of what was once the heroine known as flicky.

The red boy can be seen looking at the direction of the lights from a far distance before turning and leaving as his features turned back to normal except for one thing, his teeth were still stained with blood. If the boy was paying attention he would've noticed that the man from earlier was watch over him from the rooftops and he could only think of one thing

"Seems like I was right kid, you and I really are alike. We're both monsters created by people, by this heroes, by the very society we live in. I can't wait to see you at the bar kid I want to see your infamy in grow."


(Flashback): the boy was looking down at the letter of rejection he got from U.A. and after that went down, especially with his family, all he could do was yell at the top of his lungs


he looked at all the future hero journals he had before grabbing and destroying them one by one. And as he finished ripping the last one apart he yelled once again

Boy: "I!!! HATE!!! HEROES!!!!!!!"

(Future): A girl can be seen kneeling in front of the red man that was before her as she stared at him with absolute anger, sadness, guilt, and regrets before yelling at the red man

???: "How could you do this to everyone!? They were innocent! They didn't deserve to suffer! So why? What did they do to deserve your hate!?"

Tears flooded from her eyes as she continued

???: "Why did you do it...why did you kill our own father...was your hate for heroes so strong that you just had to kill the one hero you hated the most!?!?"

the red man was silent before began to smile that same smile he wore when she saw their father impaled by the sharp hands of a robot in his image


The red man then spoke

Red man: "You are mistaken Successor of him I don't hate All Might, far from it...I love that hero"

His voice distorted and echoey as an image of him feasting on his meals is seen

Red man: "A marvelous taste more will surely suffice"

The next image is of the red man standing over something that is censored but you can faintly make out an arm and strands of yellow hair, the red man is also pulling out some blond hair from his mouth

Red Man: "A perfect blend of flavors"

The man looks over at a old and faded picture of what looked like a happy family of four. A woman, a man, a little boy, and a little girl are all smiling. The most noticeable feature of the man was his blond hair with to bangs jutting upward like the antenna to a bug.

Red Man: "Quite delicious I do say."

images showing what the red man has done to many heroes using a deadly mix of culinary arts, strategy, and scientific engineering to create robots and machines that would not only defeat heroes but also capture and serve them to the red man as his next meal

Red man: "My robotics cooked this food to perfection don't you agree"

The camera then shows that the red man is no longer talking to the girl that was kneel but rather someone else as we see a different girl, a girl who is wearing a slightly torn red and white leotard like top as well as a beige skirt as a hero costume. A girl whose hair was let down from her usual ponytail leaving it a mess. A girl who is locked in a cell with nothing but herself a bed, a bathroom stall and most importantly a cup and plate in the middle of the room with fresh food and drink.

A girl who can't activate her quirk to create

She glared at him before yelling

??? 2: "You're a sick bastard you know that! Not only are you killing so many people just to what? Satiate a craving you have!? And now you're trying to make me like you..."

She hugged her knees as tight she could and covered her eyes as she heard the sound of her door opening and foot steps belonging to the red man.

The steps stop as she slowly uncovered her eyes and was practically face to face with the red man at a table that she saw that she was now sitting at.

The man took a knife and fork before cutting and then devouring the meal

Red Man: "You have yet to try what I have experienced,"

A robot then came in with a platter in hand with a metal cloche (A/N: those little dome things waiters carry some platters in) covering it before setting it right in front of her

Red Man: "Join me please in this meal."

The robot then lifted up the cloche and in front of her was what looked to be a big tail that she recognized all too well. When the aroma hit her nose she hated herself because she started to drool at the heavenly scent. Can you blame her for she did next...after all...

She was starving

(Present): The boy is seen standing in front of the bar that man told him about. The boy walks in, ready to cause mayhem for one reason and one reason only

"I hunger for more..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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