Goodbye (Laxus pt.1)

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|Please know, y/n is depicted as female in this with she/her pronouns.| 

|!Warnings: Abandonment>Let me know if I missed any!|


 (Y/N) stared at the door in front of her, not necessarily because of the oak door itself, but more to the note taped onto her apartment door with the messy handwriting she knew all too well.


Sorry to do it like this but.. I can't face you. I'm leaving, and you can't come with me. You belong with this rambunctious guild. I don't think there is anyone else more capable to protect you with their all.

I'm sorry, for everything. Lying to you, pushing you away, hurting not only the guild.. But also you. Maybe if I would've pushed away my pride and prevented this, things could be different. But, what's done is done. I'm sure you've heard, but the old geezer kicked me out, and I knew if I faced you, you would come with me. You belong here, not with me. This is your home, and I can't allow you to leave it all behind because of my actions.

I'm doing some traveling.. I'm not sure if we'll ever see each other again, but I needed to tell you.. You mean a lot to me. I'm sorry it's not at a romantic dinner, and on a stupid note, but there's a reason I kept you from entering that silly little game. And I... Tch. This is goodbye, Kid.


(Y/N)'s eyes widened, tears filling her eyes. This can't be happening. He left, without saying goodbye? She clutched the note to her chest, letting her tears flow freely.

"Laxus!" She sobbed, darting in the direction of the parade. 'I can still catch him!' She thought, soon reaching the crowded street of the parade. 'He has to be here!' Her eyes darted around, finally landing on the large figure exiting out an alleyway.

"Wait!" She tried to yell through the crowd, but it was no use. The parade was too loud. 'I have to get to him!' She thought frantically, before making her way through the crowd. After what felt like forever, she managed to reach the alley, falling to her knees, she panted. She huffed, getting up and desperately looking for the blonde. Finally, her eyes landed on the retreating blonde.

"Laxus! You bastard!" She yelled, clutching onto his back, feeling him flinch.

"Kid?! What-" He went to say before stopping as he met the teary-eyed gaze of (Y/N). "You need to go to the parade." He gave a sigh, trying to get her off him. However, she wouldn't budge.

"You didn't even say goodbye!" She sobbed, punching his chest "Do I mean so little that you weren't even going to say goodbye?!" Laxus froze, his eyes widening. "It's not like that, and you know it." He roughly replied, looking down at her. She sniffed, wanting to interrupt but he continued. "I can't hold you back. I couldn't say goodbye... Because I knew I would back down.. Even now, it's hard to hold back." He lightly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, eyes full of regret. Even before now, she was the only one to ever see this gentle side of him.

"That's not an excuse! You should've said goodbye! Not a stupid note that left so many questions!" She gave a pout, crossing her arms. He sighed, putting his large palm on his head, and ruffling her (h/c) hair.

"It's best if they're left unanswered, Kid. I have to leave without you. Just know..." He placed a small kiss on her forehead, making her eyes widen. "I will return when I'm good enough to deserve you." He smiled sadly.

"Wait- Laxus?" She reached out to him as he backed up, a small sound of thunder forming above. He raised his hand as the thunder rumbled louder, however, there wasn't a storm in sight.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He mumbled, and with a clash of lightning, he disappeared leaving a distraught (Y/N). She looked around frantically.

"Laxus?!" She yelled, frantically scanning around for the large man, hoping it was just a joke. However, she realized he was truly gone. It felt like a piece of her had left with him. And with that, she returned to the parade, wondering how she would fill the void in her heart.

|Here is part one! This is taken from a story I am interested in writing, let me know if you would like to see more! I hope you enjoyed :) -rina|

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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