Struggling with the news

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Chase walked inside and Ace was in fact growling, but it didn't look like it was at anyone in particular. Chase knelt down and Ace went defensive and looked as if he was going to attack Chase. Skye was scared, but Chase knew what he was doing and he gave Ace a command and he laid down. "Ace buddy what is going on?" Chase asked him as Ace continued to growl but he was not going to attack anymore. Chase had no idea what was going on but he knew this was not like him the twins were crying, "daddy Ace mean" Leila said, "he won't hurt you baby, daddy with fix him" Chase said as he reached for Ace and this made him react as he went to bite. Chase knew something was wrong as Ace would never hurt Chase and just before he could bite him Chase had him pinned. "Skye get the girls upstairs" Chase said as he held his pup down worried he would attack the girls. "Is he okay Chase?" Skye asked worried, "I don't know just get them upstairs" Chase said as Skye ran upstairs with the girls and Max and Orianna came home, "Max take Orianna upstairs" Chase said, "Dad why are you hurting Ace?" Max asked, "Max take your sister upstairs now go" Chase said as he Ace was struggling underneath him. Max grabbed Orianna and ran upstairs he was very confused and he wanted to help. "Ace buddy I need you to calm down, its me what is going on?" Chase asked as Ace continued to growl and fight Chase. Something was very wrong and he needed to get his dog to his mom's clinic so he grabbed the muzzle they had this being the first time he ever had to use it. Ace was not happy about it but Chase was able to get him into his cruiser, "Skye I will be back its okay to come down" Chase said as he ran out the door. Chase was able to get Ace into the clinic and Morgan said, "hey Chase your mom is not here" "I know but something is wrong with Ace he is very aggressive and almost attacked me. He is also growling and this is not normal behavior, can you check him out" Chase asked. "Sure I can get the vet tech to take a look" Morgan said as she led Chase and Ace to the back.

It was very difficult for the vet tech to examine Ace as he was trying really hard to fight he was trying to get out of the situation. "Sir do I have your permission to sedate him it would make this a lot easier" the vet tech said. "Yes, just find out what is causing this" Chase said he was scared he needed Ace and he hoped this was nothing serious. The vet tech was able to draw some blood and did an x-ray to make sure he was not hurt anywhere. Chase's phone rang it was his mom he answered. "Mom" Chase said, "hey where are you?" Katie asked, "I am at your clinic something is wrong with Ace" Chase said, "Oh my I am on my way" Katie said as she hung up and rushed over. Katie was there within a few minutes and looked at Chase, "I don't know he was growling and Skye and the girls, he even attacked me mom. This is not normal he is trained and has always been good. I don't understand why he would attack me" Chase said he broke down, Katie hugged him and went to check on the tech. "What can you tell me?" Katie asked, "nothing as of yet we are waiting for the blood test to come back" her tech said, "Okay" Katie said as she did a thorough examine on him but couldn't find anything wrong. The tech came back with the blood test and Katie read it "oh man, get him on a drip now we need to treat this fast" Katie said as her tech set him up. Katie walked out to Chase who was still on the floor he hadn't moved. "Chase where were you and Ace today?" Katie asked, "um we were at a crime scene, then the office. We also visited the victims house to tell her family then home. What is going on mom?" Chase asked. "There is a trace amount of an amphetamine in his system it looks like he might have ingested something" Katie said. "No he wouldn't he knows better" Chase said, "I am not arguing Chase he might have done it unwillingly but he is being treated, I will no more in a hour or so" Katie said as she went back to check on Ace.

Chase was angry someone tried to poison his dog and he was with him the whole time he felt like this was bizarre. He knew that Ace would not willingly ingest a drug he was trained to avoid that stuff and find it not eat it. Chase felt like he needed to investigate but he didn't want to leave him. Morgan noticed his distress, "you can go back if you like" she said, Chase walked into the back and sat beside his pups head and pet him. "Mom I need more" Chase said, "I know honey, but I can't give you more I have no clue where he got it or what it was he ate. I am treating it and we will know soon if it is working" Katie said as she monitored his breathing and heart rate. "Mom is Cassie okay?" Chase asked remembering about his sister, "yes actually that is why I called you, Dr. Shepard did a full exam on her and she doesn't have cancer, there isn't even a sign of it. Turns out when they were doing the MRI's the results were mixed up with another girl, it is awful and Ryder has contacted the school to let them know" Katie said. "Damn I am glad Cassie is okay but how does that get messed up?" Chase asked, "well when you have a bunch of students practicing things can get out of hand" Katie said.  Ace was waking up and Chase looked into his eyes and Ace licked him, "Ace buddy what happened?" Chase asked him, Ace just lay there as he was tired but he was no longer growling. "Chase I think he is going to be fine, I would like to keep him overnight just to be safe" Katie said. "Okay are you sure he is going to be okay?" Chase asked. "I am sure" Katie said as Chase hugged Ace and went to find out who hurt his dog.

Oh no who hurt Ace? Will the girls be scared of him forever? The loved one close to Chase was never meant to be Cassie.. but more struggles for Chase are coming stay tuned!

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