Kirishima let out a low whistle taking in the new information. He copied your position sitting back into his seat "Bakugou got to you first huh?" He mumbled, but quickly retracted his statement "Not like your a charger to be passed around or anything! God no.. I'm just saying" He turned his head towards you with a toothy smirk "I think I could've convinced you to more than just shitty makeouts in what? Janitor's closets" In one swift motion he had his arm around you.

With a scoff you crossed your arms almost in disbelief "Looks like someone is letting their hair dye seep into their brain. Where did all this confidence come from? Not that i'm complaining" You had been so invested in the conversation you didn't even notice Katsuki glaring at the both of you from his seat, but quickly turned hearing Sero and Kaminari make fun of him for something totally unrelated.

Kirishima's smirk turned into a full-blown smile at your comment "Well.. it helps knowing that I get to kiss you in the end, and even though he's like my best friend, it's entertaining to see Katsuki so riled up"

The two of you chatted and laughed right up until the bus stopped. Like the gentleman he was, he let you go first out of the bus. When you walked outside you had to squint to get used the newfound light. They had led you to some cliff with a bunch of trees in the distance "So this is our first stop? Are we sight seeing or something?" You walked up next to Aizawa who didn't answer, but looked at the black car parked. It didn't take long for what everyone assumed to be the main purpose they were here to pop out of the car. Two women came out wearing cat costumes.

With squinted eyes you tilted your head "Prostitutes?-" Aizawa quickly shut you up by speaking over you.

"They're heroes"

"Not just any heroes! We're the Wild Wild Pussycats!" Both of them fell into this exaggerated hero pose making you even more confused.

"I dunno Aizawa. Sounds like a stage name" Aizawa gave you a glare, but you just returned it with a smile "i'm not scared of your ass. Lookin' like you go to sleep around three pm and still got eye bags" With no rebuttal, Aizawa walked up next to both of the pussycats with a stoic look.

"Welcome class 1-A! We own all of this land that you are seeing right in front of you. The camp you will be staying in is right at the base of the mountain"

Students started whispering among themselves but Ochako was the first one to speak up.

"So if the camp is over there.. Why did we stop all the way over here?"

"I think you know the answer to that, ribbit!"

"Let's slowly get back onto the bus" Sero suggested gradually going backwards with some others. Although the plan was quickly soiled when the woman in the blue costume sent the ground rumbling causing them all to fall down the cliff landing right below.

"It's 9:30 am! By the time you get there it should be lunchtime! So you have three hours to make it across the forrest! Oh, and did I mention that you'd be fighting some monsters created by yours truly? Have fun!~" The students watched as the trees started to conform into monstrous shapes. The lady chuckled watching them start to figure out how they would take them down.

"Damn, you really gave them the iron fist huh?" The woman yelped turning around to still see you standing there.

'W-Why are you up here? I sent all of your classmates down there with a powerful current!" You shrugged watching the rest of your friends making it through the first tree villain.

"I'll tell you the shit the school keeps telling me. Let's just say.. I'm a special case" Aizawa walked up next to you hands in his pockets.

"y/n has an unbelievable amount of power. Even more powerful then All Might himself. If she wanted she could be across the whole world by now and back in the blink of an eye" Both of the ladies looked back at him in complete shock. As they exchanged conversation you finally noticed the kid that had seemingly been there the whole time. His eyes seemed to be drilling holes right into you. It couldn't be decipher if he was interested in you, or wanted to slaughter you.

"Hey kid" You gave him a curt nod, but he only turned his head scoffing "Oooookay then" Turning back to the three adults who were now getting into the black car the orange cat shouted.

"Kota, y/n! We're going back to the camp now so hop on in!" She happily made room for the both of you. As soon as you got into the car you pulled out your phone to see if there was any service. Aizawa saw pinching the bridge of his nose.

"y/n, you know you aren't supposed to have your phone"

"And who is gonna stop me? Sure as hell ain't gonna be you"

"It's going to be a long trip..."


"So what's your deal? You just stare at people then dramatically look away angrily?" You asked Kota when you got to the camp. The heroes had asked the two of you help prepare dinner since you both were there. Kota didn't answer putting another carrot on the counter for you to chop "M'kay. Well I already know your name is Kota, and I really like your hat"

He mumbled something that you couldn't hear. A scarping sound echoed through the room, and out the corner of your eye you could see him stepping up his stool and grabbing a knife.

"Woah! You allowed to do that buddy?"

His face was red with anger as he turned to you with the knife in his hands "I'm not some little kid okay? I can use a knife to chop my vegetables! And do you ever stop talking? I think my darn ear is going to fall off" You watched the color drain from his face when he finished his little rant and turned back to his chopping board.

"Well.. I would have shut up a long time ago if you spoke up like you did just now" Both of you finished chopping the vegetables in silence just as he wanted. After you collected them all together though he spoke up again.

"I'm sorry for coming at you like that"

You poured all the vegetables in the pot making sure it was at a simmer "Eh, it's fine. You're not the first person that's come at me with a knife" His eyes sparked with interest but it went away just as quick as it came. Seeing the hesitancy you thought of something that might open him up just a little "I know you probably don't want to be friends with me, like, at all. But i have this really fun card game that I brought"

Kota scoffed going to put his stool back "Card games? You sound like you're in a retirement home"

"Ohh, I get it. You're just scared you'll lose because you're a little kid" Now you could see some fire in his eyes again as he pointed his thumb towards himself.

"I told you i'm not a little kid! Where are those cards at?"


"Damn! How did you beat me again? You just learned the rules like an hour ago!" Kota laughed gathering all his cards to out into a neat pile.

"What can I say? I'm just really good-" He stopped talking though when he heard rustling in the woods. You could finally see your classmates coming through the woods look battered and bruised.

"Y'all look like you just ate shit!"

"Shut up y/n!" Katuski yelled back angrily taking out a splinter in his arm. The three adults came out looking them over.

"Oopsies! I accidentally told you three hours like it was us fighting those monsters, not you guys!" Midoryia saw Kota next to you thinking it was finally okay to approach him. He leaned down holding his hand out to Kota with his signature smile.

"Hi! My name is Izuku Midoryia-" Right then and there is where disaster stuck. Kota had struck him right in the crotch leaving everyone shocked. You were the first one to break the silence with immediate laughter, iida coming up right after helping Midoryia stay stable.

"How dare you heathen child! A hit to the crotch is nothing to take lightly!" Although you don't think Kota could hear him over your laughter which still haden't died down.

"Jeez, I love this kid!"

forgotten responsibility | bnha x op!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora