Chapter 3- Those Eyes Could Kill

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Cale shakes his head as the four of them start to head towards the young master's room to play in there.

'This is so different from the story, however it is when Cale is young.'

Cale is in his thoughts as he silently listens to the little bit of chatter that he missed from Cole who talks to Ron. The walk was a bit far but they made it there in about twenty minutes, going slower than normal for Cole to get used to walking again. Once there, Cole and Cale go to the toy box and pull out a few toys: one is a knight with a large sword that Cale holds and another an assassin that Cole holds. The toys were carved from wood and hand painted by their mother from her childhood since she had an older brother, however, they don't know much about him.

Ron and Vicross looks at the toys, Ron smiles while his son tries to hide his and some how success, at the two wooden figures before they pull out ones themselves. Ron chooses a heroic one: a tall androgynous person wearing a hunter like outfit that is all dark in color; a rimed hat covers the top of their face while they wear aristocratic clothing all of dark grey's or blacks with a tattered cape that flows at their back; a sword is strapped to their waist. Vicross takes out a woman with shoulder length white hair in armor holding a great sword of her own. The toy Vicross chose stirred up feelings in both Ron and Vicross but they choose to push it to the side and play with the two young masters.

A few hours has passed and it was midnight indicated by the large full moon hanging high in the night sky at the large window beside them. Cale yawns and rubs his eyes, trying to stay awake to play more with his beloved dongseang until Ron picks him up while Vicross picks up Cole, who falls asleep on his large chest. Cale chuckles and lays his head on Ron's, slowly falling asleep to the older man's heart beat. Cale, no Kim Rok Soo, has never been this close to anyone before, he has never even played with toys like this. However, it felt so right, it felt like he was finally a kid and not some mistake suffering from the abuse of others.

The two older men lay the twins down and tuck them in, Vicross making sure that their hair is not in their faces before gently patting their heads one last time before the both of them left. Ron chuckles and ruffles his son's neatly combed back hair making the taller man groan and slightly pout.

"Father! What was that for?"

"You looked so happy playing with them. Now we should head to bed, we need to wake up early tomorrow after all."

Vicross nods and sighs while just leaving his hair messed up, the bed would mess it up anyways. They lay down and Vicross falls asleep pretty quickly, however Ron lays there staring at the ceiling, his mind twisting and turning before he sighs and tries to sleep.

The next day, Ron wakes up the twins and takes them to the dining room. Cole stares in shock, complicated emotions swim in his eyes, as he sees a young boy with brown hair and brown eyes sitting at the table looking at him in shock. Cole hides behind Ron, scared about this sudden stranger in his house.

'Why is he here? Wait, Vicross hyeong said something about having a dongsaeng. Is that him? But how is he three years younger? Was mother hiding him?'

Cale looks at his twin and gently smiles to help calm him down as Ron pats his head gently. Cole relaxes and takes Cale's hand as they go to the table. Basen smiles at Cole excited that he is awake and standing, abiet wobbly from muscle deterioration.

"Hyeong-nims! Cole hyeong-nim, I'm so glad that you are awake and walking."

"W, who are you?"

Cole's voice comes out very soft and quiet, not the normal happy and beaming almost angelic voice that he has around Ron, Vicross, and Cale. Ron sets them on the chairs as the other butler's places the food in front of the three boys.

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