Chapter 2- What is Going On?

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It has been several months since Cole's sudden collapse and the death of their mother. Cale slowly and groggily sits up before looking over at his dongsaeng, Cole, who was still in the same position as before. His body is stiff holding himself like he did on that terrible night with his eyes squeezed shut in either fear or pain. It hurts Cale to see him like this, a brother he should protect ending up like this with no way for him to help. He gently moves a few loose strands of crimson hair out of Cole's face before watching his chest slowly move up and down.

'At least he is still alive. How long will he stay like this?'

Cale gets out of bed as Ron knocks and comes inside, visibly tired from overworking these past months yet his benign smile is still on his aged face. Cale looks at Cole before looking at Ron and sighs.

"Good morning young master. Shall this Ron tend to you today?"

"Ron, have you been getting any sleep at all?"

"Ho, is the young master worried about this Ron?"

Cale frowns as he gets off of the bed while Ron lifts up Cole to bathe him.

"No, dongsaeng will be worried if he finds out that you're not getting any sleep. How is my father doing?"

Ron's smile falters a bit, clearly upset with something before putting it on again.

"The count left with the new countess to the summer villa."

Cale looks over at Ron surprised at this new information.

'Did he really leave the county without anyone supervising it? Maybe mother was right, never trust our worthless father.'

Cale lets out a sigh as Ron dresses him in simple and cute clothes after getting Cole situated on the bed better. Cale goes to the bed and pats Cole's head gently before leaving with Ron. While walking in the hall, Cale goes through his memory of the past months: Ron was almost always with Cole to help with his every need, even at night, while the count wouldn't even come to see his child; the count got married to a woman named Violan who brought in a child named Basen; then he leaves to a villa with that woman almost a a year later.

Cale sighs before looking up at Ron, his vicious butler who is an assassin. He was rather pale today making Cale hum in thought while walking to the dining room to eat, Ron will feed Cole himself.

'He needs to get more rest if Cole is going to wake up soon. It's been a little over half a year since that day happened.'

"We are here, young master. Have a great breakfast."

They stop in front of the large wooden doors before Ron opens them and bows towards Cale who just nods and pats the older man's side.

"You too Ron, also, when you are done feeding dongsaeng, go get some sleep so that Vicross hyeong won't worry so much."

Cale the heads in not noticing the gentle look in Ron's eyes before he closes the door and leaves. Basen was already seated at the large table but hadn't touched his food until Cale took his seat across from him.

"G, good morning hyeong-nim! I hope your morning was good."

Cale casually cuts into the sausage and takes a bite before answering.

"It was alright, how about yours, Basen?"

Basen, a small brunet that was conceived between Violan and another noble before being brought here, slightly flinches at Cale's blunt voice before perking up a little bit.

"It was ok, how is Cole hyeong-nim doing? Will it be ok if I could see him after breakfast..?"

The last sentence came out in a whisper, however, Cale's sharp ears heard it as he sipped his water elegantly. He thinks for a moment before nodding, causing Basen to perk up after deflating into his seat.

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