Chapter 8:Family

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Morgan's POV:

Liam's mom was officially one of my favorite people ever.

Currently me, Owen, and Kai were all crowder around her as she showed us pictures from the family album as Liam hid his face in his hands.

"And this is three year old Liam taking a bubble bath," she says pointing to a picture of a baby Liam, bubbles surrounding him and all over his body, "and this is him on his first day of kindergarten," she says pointing to a smiling young Liam, a backpack almost the size of him on his back," and this is-"

"Mom please stop!" Liam whines, face red and ears pointed backwards.

"But you were such a cute little boy, I have to show off my baby," she says as Liam's siblings and our group snicker.

"Look at those chubby little cheeks!" Kai days as he stares down at more pictures, "and you had the cutest little ears and tail!"

"Please shut up," Liam says, muffled from behind his hands.

We had all been having an exceptional time so far  at Liam's childhood home, especially with all of his siblings. The twins especially were a good time, always teasing Liam good-naturedly and trying to rile up Liam's oldest brother.

Leroy was also fun to be around but in different ways. He was funny and smart but also fiercely protective of Liam in an almost scary sort of way and you could tell he really and truly cared for his youngest brother.

Within the first few hours of meeting Owen, Kia, and I he had effectively given us a calculating stare-down before deeming is worthy of entering the home. It was safe to say he was kind of terrifying.

"But remember his last boyfriend," Lilly piped up from the other side of the living room ,"He was so afraid of Leroy he practically wet himself before we even finished dinner!" She said snickering in time with James.

Leroy himself was giving an evil little smile from the other side of the room at the three of us while Liam groaned out loud and seemed oblivious to his brothers looks.

"He didn't even do anything! Leroy was just messing with him to mess with him." Liam said giving a glare to his brother who through up his hands in a 'what can you do' gesture.

"If he couldn't handle me for one dinner he definitely wouldn't have been sticking around,"
Leroy said, cutting a hard glare to the three of us," plus I didn't like his attitude."

Liam just huffed as his mom turned to me ,"Tomorrow we'll take you guys to the town to show you around a bit, but now I think it's time for me to go to bed, it was lovely meeting you and thank you for taking care of my baby at school."

Owen leaned over the side of me to get a better view of her as he spoke "It's our pleasure, I don't think he would be able to not burn the dorm down with out us."

Liam rolled his eyes with a smile at that and the rest of his family members stood up and also bid us goodnight before going up the stairs to their bed, leaving the four of us alone downstairs.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Liam said holding up the remote. We all confirmed and eventually decided on watching Howls Moving Castle, since it was Liam's favorite movie and how can you say no to those cute eyes when they look at you like that?

About an hour into the movie, Liam started to fall asleep between me and Kai, his head bopping up and down as he fought against it. We were all sharing one of the huge blankets laid along the backs of the various couches in the living room as we watched our movie.

"You can lean your head on my shoulder," I whispered to Liam after watching his head boo for the sixth time," I don't mind." I half expected him to refuse but instead he sleepily nodded and curled up against me letting out a sleepy purr.

I slowly brought my hand up around his shoulder, giving him time to refuse before letting my hand rest amongst his hair and gently petting behind and on his ears, causing him to purr even deeper before eventually falling asleep.

Liam and Kia both looked over and smiled at how cute and cuddly he looked before turning back to the movie.


Once the movie was finished I gently shook Liam awake since we had no idea where we would be sleeping.

He just blearily sat up and looked around before grabbing mine and Owen's hands since we were closest to him and nodding with his head for Kai to follow as well as he lead us down a hall to a room.

As soon as he opened the door I could immediately tell it was Liam's room, from the posters from his favorite bands and movies to the bookshelf that took up one whole wall. Not to mention it just smelled like Liam. Warm and safe and happy.

He walked us over to an impossibly large bed that could easily fit five people (why did he need this big a bed he was so little?) and blearily grunted at us and pointed at the bed before falling face down onto it and falling back asleep.

That was the best we were going to get from him apparently before we tucked him under the covers and then got under ourselves. We all went to sleep nice and cozy, dreaming of what the next day would hold for us as we explored Liam's hometown.


Authors Note:
I feel like I say this every time but hey, been a while hasn't it? Happy belated New Year. What are everybody's resolutions? Mine is to update more frequently so I need you guys to hold me to that. How did we feel about this chapter? A good portion of it was just about Leroy but I love him so he gets his times to shine. Anyways, thank you for putting up with my inconsistencies, have a good day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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