"Uh-huh!" Elie said.

Hammond walks up to them, past the jeep that Malcolm's still in, chuckling to himself. Malcolm himself is awestruck. While Samuel looks on with curiosity.

"You did it. You crazy son-of-a-bitch, you did it." Ian said.

Samuel started to hear a tiny tune almost nostalgic in his head.

Grant and Sattler are still looking at the Brachiosaur in amazement.

"We could tear up the book on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply. They're totally wrong. This is a warm-blooded creature." Alan blurted out.

"This thing doesn't live in a swamp." Elie said.

"Eh maybe it did or perhaps a subspecies of this dinosaur.

"This thing's got a... twenty-five? Twenty-seven-foot neck?" Alan stammered.

"Brachiosaur? Thirty." Hammond answered.

Dumbledore looks at dinosaurs to see if he can somehow control it.

"Thirty feet." Alan marveled at the sight of the Brachiosaur.

The brachiosaur rises up on its rear legs, taking a bite of some leaves from the top of a tree. It then drops back down, shaking the ground around it. Gennaro is watching this, his previous doubts having given way to rapture.

"We're gonna make a fortune with this place." Gennaro said with greed laced on to his voice.

Samuel heard this as well as Ian but they ignored it

Alan Grant: How fast are they?

John Hammond: Well, we've clocked the T-Rex at 32 miles an hour.

Ellie Sattler: T-- T-Rex?

John Hammond: Mm-hmm.

Ellie Sattler: You said you've got a T-Rex?

John Hammond: Uh-huh!

Alan Grant: Say again?

John Hammond: Oh, we have a T-Rex!

Grant is completely overwhelmed and kneels over.

"Put your, put your head between your knees and breathe." Elie said to the now overwhelmed Alan

"Dr. Grant. My dear Dr. Sattler. Welcome to Jurassic Park." Said while chuckling.

Grant and Sattler can see a herd of Brachiosaur in the distance now, along with a group of Parasaurolophus, drinking from the lake.

Almost everyone except for the JP group and some of the Adults in the Great Hall looked at the scene with awe.

"They're moving in herds, they do move in herds. How did you do this?" Alan turned his head towards Hammond said.

"I'll show you." Hammond said cryptically.

Maybe I'll get some information about the creation of this creature. After all they are magical creatures.

The two jeeps pull up to the Visitor's Center. It has the appearance of being the nerve center of the park, but it's still a work in progress. There's a big hole in the wall, covered by a tarp. Fellow workers open the large font doors with a smile. Hammond leads his guests inside, greeting everyone.

"G'day, g'day, g'day. Now, the most advanced amusement park in the entire world, incorporating all the latest technologies -- and I'm not talking just about rides, you know, everybody has rides. But we've made living biological attractions so astounding, that they'll capture the imagination of the entire planet." Hammond said.

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