Jurassic Park-3

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The scene changes to a restaurant in San Jose, Costa Rica. Dennis Nedry is seated at a table. Lewis Dodgson gets out of a taxi, wearing a Panama hat and sunglasses, trying his best to look like a tourist. Nedry, seeing this, laughs and waves him over.

Everyone at the JP group (-minus Charlie) looks at Dennis in pure hatred as they remember what he had done that caused the whole incident in Isla Nublar while everyone else is wondering what did that fat man do.

Harry thought that Dennis looked an awful lot like Vernom.

"Yo -- Dodgson!" Dennis yelled at the person wearing a red shirt.

Dennis waving the man now known as Dodgson over to where he was sitting at.

Dodgson walked towards the table as he sits their looking at Dennis dead in the eyes.

"You shouldn't use my name." Dodgson warned.

"Dodgson! Dodgson! We've got Dodgson here!" Dennis yelled out loud.

Dennis looks around to see if he got a person response.

"See? Nobody cares. Nice hat. What are you trying to look like, a secret agent?" Dennis joked.

Dodgson then puts a briefcase on the table, getting down to business.

"750. On delivery, $50,000 more for each viable embryo. That's $1.5 million if you get all fifteen species off the island." Dodgson bribes.

Many of the muggle-bones or Wixen that were raised in the muggle world gaped at how much money was offered.

"Oh, I'll get 'em all." Dennis said.

Dodgson then looked at Dennis serious in his eyes that intimated Dennis.

"Remember-- viable embryos. They're no use to us if they don't survive." Dodgson said.

Dennis looks at Dodgson confused. Doesn't he know that they have expiration dates once their let out of their freezers?

"How am I supposed to transport them?" Dennis questioned.

Dodgson puts a can of shaving cream on the table.

Many of the Wixen looked confused on why he put a can of shaving cream.

Samuel might have an idea as he used on of those before his adopted father found it. And Ian looked at the van in suspicion.

"The bottom screws open." Dodgson ordered.

Dennis opened the bottom of the can and showed a compartment.

Ian smirked then looked at Samuel.

"Hey son remember when I found that exact same can but filled with something much more interesting?" Ian said.

Samuel blushed at the reminder of the incident.

Where Ian found out about Samuel's secret supplies of stuff that was inappropriate for his age.

"That's great! Oh my god." Dennis said in awe.

"It's cooled and compartmentalized inside." Dodgson explained.

"You guys -- That's great!" Dennis said to Dodgson.

"Customs can even check it if they want to!" Dodgson said.

"Let me see!" Dennis said excited.

"Go on, try it." Dodgson said.

Dodgson smiled as this urged Dennis, taking the can and sprays shaving cream from the can onto his hand and grins, impressed.

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